Chapter 26

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Third Person

An orange blur sped through the thick woods of Great Forest desperate to get away from the golden blur chasing after the young Mobian. Tails had tripped multiple times on some upright roots while having to hide under multiple bushes until he had to run again. He had blood running down his face, arms and legs from the cuts he got from the foliage and the golden hedgehog. He had come across multiple areas where there was no trees while in some areas, there was more than possible. After stopping for a second to see that a huge tree was in his path, he had to quickly jump into a bush to avoid getting caught by the fast approaching golden light.

"Tails, where are you?" Super stopped flying as he hovered just above the ground. His natural glow illuminated the darker then possible forest and his ruby eyes scoured the area. "Come on Tails... I won't bite. But Sonic might if you continue this little game your playing." he turned around and then after a bit of silence he turned to the bush Tails was hiding in. "I know you're in there you pesky fox." an orb formed in his hands as he aimed it at the fox. He fired it and the orange fox leaped out of harm's way before the attack could graze him. He landed on his stomach and quickly looked up at ruby eyes as the golden hedgehog came closer to him. "There's nowhere to go but with me Tails." he gave a friendly smile and the orange fox quickly scrambled onto his feet and used his namesakes to make a quick getaway. Super shook his head then took after his target, not letting the fox have the advantage over him.

"Leave me alone!" the fox yelled as an orb was blasted in front of him and he turned to his attacker. "I'll never come with you! Never!" the golden hedgehog chuckled and charged another orb.

"Never say never." the fox flew into the air to dodge the orb but was knocked into the ground by Super as he kicked him down. The golden hedgehog slowly floated down to the fox as said Mobian spluttered out dirt that made its way into his mouth. "Poor defenseless fox. I can end this for you now if you just give up." light blue eyes filled with fear, hate and anger glared at ruby ones that were emotionless.

"Never." he said he spat some blood that pooled in his mouth at the hedgehog's face. Super closed his eyes and sighed.

"Wrong choice." he wiped the blood away then clutched the fox's neck and lifted him off the ground into midair. Tails gagged as the golden hedgehog's grip became tighter. Super didn't want to end the fox here and now but it would make things a lot easier for him if he was passed out. Tails scratched at the hands around his neck and flayed around trying to get away, but it was no use.

"I'll give you one last chance to-" he was interrupted as the fox managed to swing his namesakes around and scratch across the hedgehog's stomach. In turn for the attack, Super instinctively let him go to hiss and hold his wound while Tails fell to the ground below. What neither Mobian knew, was that Super was floating right over a huge tree. But not just any tree. The tree that lead to the hidden village of Knothole. And Tails fell through it. Super was able to heal the injury and look around for the orange Mobian but to no avail. The fox had already fallen down the particularly large hole. He growled to himself for letting his prey get away so easily and began to search around the area he thought Tails had fallen. He wasn't leaving without the orange Mobian. But while he searched, Tails had landed on solid ground face-first with a thump. He groaned then slowly pulled his head up with a deadpan face.

"Always the face." he grumbled then hissed as his muscles ached when he tried sitting up. He rubbed his face once he was upright then struggled to stand which he stumbled a bit. He looked everywhere once he was on two feet and had no words for the area around him.

There was a single road that had old buildings on either side and most of them wasn't in good condition. Rubble covered most of the ground, there were minimal trees around the area, black markings that Tails suspected were burn marks littered the ground and walls of some unfortunate building. He had also seen a strange amount of metal. There was huge piles of metal while some other pieces were scattered around and the pieces all varied in size and shape. While investigating a piece that was his size, he saw that on the edges, it looked like it was torn apart by some sort of blade... but what type of blade can cut through metal and not leave a mark of some sort? Tails had seen Sonic being able to cut through metal but his quills leave indentations almost similar to a saw. While the fox knew that something terrible must've happened here, his curiosity got the better of him. He began thinking that whatever happened, something or someone did something that was able to leave clean cuts on the material. But what or who? Just as Tails was wondering throughout the strange village, he caught a glimpse of something small and... blue? He hesitantly walked up to the object and picked it up, twirling it in his hand. It seemed to be a small cobalt quill... that could only mean one thing... Sonic was here. Tails instantly became fearful. If Sonic was here, which by the quill he was or used to be here, what happened? Did Sonic do this to the village? If so, why? Questions piled up the more Tails thought about it all. He looked around but his gaze fell on upon an upright figure at the end of the road. He squinted and could almost see the outline of a cross... activating his namesakes, he sped towards the strange object. The closer he got, the more he could see that it was a cross and there was a plague sitting in front of it with some slightly faded writing engraved in it.

"Here lays Sally Acorn. Brave, vigilant and beloved warrior princess, daughter, friend and lover." Tails mumbled the first part of the plague but when he looked closer to get a better look, his eyes widened at seeing what the date was. It was over 90 years ago! "What!?" Tails yelled out as he immediately stood up straight but got a little dizzy from the fast action. As he stumbled on his feet to stand probably, he reached his hands out and held the cross for help.

But once he did, the village changed. It was no longer in ruins but looked better than ever. Tails stared in shock at seeing Mobians of all types fighting back against soldiers that the fox could see was from G.U.N and robots. Tails had noticed that there was also a female chipmunk like the one from his other vision. He was sure his mouth fell open when he laid his eyes on who was on the flying machine. It was Eggman. But... then why did Sonic call him Robotnik? Maybe its his ancestor? He had watched the female chipmunk fall to the ground by a bullet but when she did, it looked like Sonic was crying. Then something unsuspected happened. A green energy like wave emitted from Sonic touching anything and everything. Just as fast it started, it finished and the vision ended. Tails let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and took his one hand off the cross, to rub his forehead. He was confused before but now he was more then confused. He was about to test to see if he could make that vision happen again when something flashed in his eyes. He brought his hand up to cover them and brought it down slowly seeing that the light came from something underneath a pile of rubble. Getting curious, Tails started to take the rubble off the thing and once he reached the bottom, he saw that the thing was some type of tablet. It was orangey-yellow in colour, had two handles on either side and the screen was fairly big. From what the fox could tell the strange machine was in good shape.

"What is this thing?" he turned it in different ways trying to figure out how to work it then scratched his head when he stared at the black screen. "There has to be- AH!" he touched the middle of the screen but jumped at seeing it wirr to life. He dropped it on the ground and fell backwards watching in slight anticipation and fear at seeing what the strange piece of technology would do. Light blue eyes widened as their owner watched the white light the tablet was making started to form together. Once the light died down, Tails had no words as his eyes traveled up and down the figure in front of him. The figure appeared female. The supposed female's body was that of a brown Mobian lynx; the ends of her ears are black and her face featured a stripe along the bridge of her nose as well as one under each eye. Her eyes were green and she had medium-long black hair with splits at the ends. For attire, she had on a shoulder-less, sleeveless purple dress with split tails, decorated with a small broach. She had black pants, shoes and gloves that were both black and white. But while her gloves featured round purple cuffs, her shoes had silver cuffs and toes. The lynx looked around with what appeared to be shock, once her eyes landed on Tails though, she gave him a friendly smile.

"Hello. What is your name?" she asked and Tails could only blink.

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