Chapter Three-He's Real

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My phone rung again. I looked at who was calling me, and the screen read Dylan<3 from when I still liked him. I rolled my eyes and clicked the ignore button. I knew that it wasn't his fault that I was crazy, but still, I didn't want to talk to anyone. I had locked myself in my room, away from my family and I kept ignoring all my calls. 

The night at the graveyard still haunted me. Why could I only see him? Was it my Gift kicking in? No one else but me could see the guy. Meaning that I was either crazy, or he really was there but...

I scoffed to my stupid thought. Or what? Either way I'm crazy, so why try and make myself feel better by saying things like that? The night when Dylan and Jeremy looked at me sadly, like they were guilty that they couldn't see him, made me feel scared. But when I pointed to the guy and asked for the last time if they saw him, both the boys shook their head, but Dani's eyes got wider and it took her a minute to calm down and then she shook her head. Did she...was she like me?

I scoffed again. Why was I acting so stupid? Dylan would have told me. Then again, it wouldn't be his place to tell me, just because I was like his little sister. But I don't find it fair that I opened up to him and he lied to my face. Not really, he didn't say he didn't know anyone with my Gift, but I still would have expected him to at least tell me. But of course, I pushed the thought away, because I knew he probably would have told me.

...But it would explain why he was so chill about it all. He didn't even react badly, or act scared. Nothing.

I shook my head madly. Stupid me, stupid me... I looked up to find my remote on my bed, but I was greeted to the body of the guy at the graveyard. I shrieked and flew backwards off my bed, landing with a huge thump on the ground. I groaned in pain before I realized that the guy was in my room. I pushed the pain away and jumped back up, my eyes wide when I saw that I wasn't seeing things. He really was right there. Standing. Looking down. In his outfit he was the night before. 

"W-why can't my friends see you?" was the first thing out of my mouth. The guy didn't move. His hands were in his sweatshirt pocket, and he kept staring at the floor. I tried not to scream in frustration. Why can't he just talk to me?!

"Can you just move or something so I know you're not some image that pops up wherever I go? Please, come on, who are you? Prove to me that you are real." I begged him. He didn't move an inch. I accidently blew a fuse, "Can't you just talk or move or are you physically incapable? I don't know who you are, or why you keep just appearing, and I don't know if you're good or bad because I don't know if you are the one who tried to kill me on my date with Dylan, or if it wasn't you. I don't know you, and you won't prove anything to me!

And suddenly, without warning, he moved. He squared his shoulders and brought his head up a little. But just then the lights went out, only in my room. He sucked all the light source I had, and then I gulped. I shouldn't have said anything.

I climbed onto my bed and back off the other side, and then reached out to find him. I could barely, barely see him. He was just a darker shadow than the rest of my room. I ran right into him, and I wobbled back in shock. He was solid. 

"Oh, my God. You're real--" just then, I realized I would have rathered him not be real. I had to put my hands back on his arms, and I stepped closer to him, just to make sure it was all real. And he was there. Standing there, not moving, but a solid, actual person. I gulped and dug my nails into his sweatshirt, on accident, but I was freaking out. If he was real, why couldn't Dylan, Jeremy, or Dani see him? 

Then he moved again, and then I saw that he was looking straight at me. I loosened my grip on him, but I didn't let go. I was still in shock and I was a little horrified. He was really real. An actual person. Maybe he made himself invisible, and I could only see him because of my Gift...or not.

He grabbed me and yanked me closer so he could lean down to my ear and whisper, "You're not safe anymore. You can't trust anyone." His voice was scratchy, and deep. Not so deep that he sounded like he could hit a base note easily, but I was used to Dylan's sweet, little boy voice. The guy that was talking in my ear totally sent shivers down my spine and he sounded way more grown up and mature. I tensed.

"I'd start questioning that boy you like," was his last words, and suddenly, I was holding air. He was gone. How the hell did he do that?!

The lights went back on and I looked around. What did he mean by that? What did he have against Dylan? I didn't know whether to believe the guy or not. He gave no name, or identity, but he was capable of moving and talking and...disappearing in a second. What just happened, and why in hell did it have to happen to me?


Hai :-) I know it's a bit shorter, but I hope you still like it.

Until next time, xoxo!!


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