Chapter Thirteen-The Hard Truth

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I woke up before anyone else. Still being irritated with Cole really didn't get me much sleep. Why was he acting so stupid? What was wrong with boys? One second, they can be right there, pretending they like you, and another second they could be snappy and mean to you. I was sick of everyone being someone they weren't. I really just needed to know who they were, and what their true colors were.

I went to the bathroom, to go do my hair and make myself look less zombie-ish. I did my hair quickly into one side braid, which flowed at the top and braided at the bottom, and then ran my fingers quickly through my bangs to get the tangles out. I put on a little makeup, because this morning I looked worse than others. I usually didn't bother with makeup. I thought, even though makeup could make you look prettier, it was still best not to use it. It's not the real you. Plus, why waste all that precious time doing your makeup when you are beautiful either way? And anyway, I could be using that time to be eating before leaving anywhere else.

I put on a plain button-up white blouse, with plain jeans and then pulled on some tennis shoes. I slid on a black fedora, and then ran to look in the mirror. I didn't look half as bad as I did this morning. I swear, when I looked at myself earlier I think I saw the mirror crack.

"You look nice," Cole leaned against the door frame, wearing only pajama pants, revealing his nice stomach, and his twisty tattoos. They even went up his neck, but no further than that. He looked way more gentle than yesterday. But I just turned around and glared at him madly.

"Thanks." I said shortly, trying to ignore his obvious want to talk to me. He was either going to tell me what was up with him yesterday, or say sorry and explain. Or both, preferably. Until then, he could compliment me all he wants, it wouldn't charm much as he was very charming...

I shut my eyes, sighed, and then turned back to the door and grabbed the knob, going to close the door, but before I did, I sneered, "You should go."

But as I closed it, he stopped me and stepped inside the bathroom, shut the door, locked it, and put on the bathroom fan. I scowled at him and folded my arms.

"What do you want?" I snapped at him. I would have been fine with slamming the door in his face, but if he insisted being in here, I would let him...with a cost of getting his head bitten off by my fury. It sounded like a good plan. As long as he didn't bite mine off back.

"I'm sorry about yesterday, Nichole," he said, kind of forcibly. I narrowed my eyes at him, staring into his beautiful grey eyes. I almost wanted to forget all about his rude behavior, and just forgive him..he looked sorry...

"I'm not buying it," I said, instead of giving him the relief he wanted.


"You were a dick yesterday, and sorry is not going to cut it. I want to know why you're so hot and cold with me. I'm sick of being lied to and hurt and shit, I just need to know right now what you are playing at, so I can be prepared when it happens again. Because I really don't like getting my head torn off for nothing. So, explain, now." I told him, glaring at him, letting him know I wasn't even close to forgiving him. He sighed.

"Look..." he rubbed the back of his neck nervously, and looked down at the floor. He looked so sexy when he woke up...he looked like the real him. Not the douche that came out when he got dressed and started acting all superior for everyone. I liked him, this him, better. I rather this Cole than superior Cole any day.

"I'm listening," I insisted stubbornly. I wouldn't let him wiggle out of this one. He was going to explain, no matter what. That, or he could deal with me hating him until he did. Either one I was fine with.

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