Chapter Four-Truth Be Told

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I was running to Dylan's house, completely out of breath, safe from the freezing weather with a hood, beanie, mittens, boots, sweatpants, another thin sweatshirt underneath the jacket, and another pair of mittens over the others. I felt safely warm, yet still cold to the bone. I was trying to run as quick as possible to Dylan's house.

When I finally reached his home and stepped onto the front porch, and then knocked on his door. Then I waited...

And waited...

....And waited some more...

Until finally I went to knock on the door again but it was already getting pulled back open. I gasped but then I dropped my hand to the side. I saw Dani, with her hair in a beautiful bun on the top of her head, and a beautiful dress on (with leggings) and high heels. I didn't know how she'd deal with the weather in such inappropriate clothing but I just left it alone.

"Oh, Nichole, come on inside, it's freezing," she rushed me inside, and closed the door. I grinned warmly at her, as I took my hood off. 

"Thanks. Where is Dylan?" I asked her. She paled. 

"U-um, he's out right now, he will be back soon. Want some food? My mom is cooking spaghetti--" 

"No, Danielle, stop lying to me. You can't lie. It's too obvious that you are. Tell me where Dylan is," I demanded her sternly. 

She frowned, trying to push the nervousness away but it stayed on her face. "I'm not lying. He went out to get a few more things for dinner." She lied again. I rolled my eyes, and pushed past her as she tried to stop me but I was already walking inside Dylan's room. And what I saw totally horrified me. 

He was kissing Phoebe passionately. His shirt was off, and so was hers, and his hands were roaming down her body before I walked inside. I stood in the doorway horrified of what I was seeing, and Dani frowned.

"Well, that I wasn't expecting, I just thought they were hanging out--hey, where are you going?!" Dani whirled to see me stomping to the front door, pulling my hood over my head, and reaching for the doorknob.

"Nichole!" I heard Dylan call. I heard a little thump, and then I saw him running out of his room. I quickly left, running away from the house quickly furiously. I kept running as I heard Dylan catching up to me, but I had to stop. I didn't have my inhaler. Curse my damn asthma!

"Nichole," he panted, trying to touch me but I quickly stopped taking a breather and I moved away madly.

"I really don't care that you're with another girl. Honestly, I could care less who you have sex with. But really, Pheobe? You know I hate her. And she hates me! How long has that been going on, huh? Exactly how long have you two been doing that?" I asked madly, tears threatening to fall.

"Nichole, please--"

"Don't beg. Just tell me, Dylan," I gritted.

His eyes looked sympathetic. "I...I've been with Phoebe for a long time now, Nichole. I'm sorry, I didn't--I mean, really I didn't want to--" he sighed in defeat. "Please don't hate me, Nichole."

I frowned in shock. "Wait, how long is a 'long time'? Since we decided to be friends?" I asked, trying to not be so horrified.

"Nichole...," he pleaded.

"I don't care who you're with, Dylan, as long as it's not her. Please tell me it's not her." I cried. Phoebe had hated me since I started in the school. She was a blonde, with beautiful green eyes and sun-kissed skin. She always had to get me into trouble, make me feel like nothing, act better than me, step all over know, the usual of what stupid girls do. Or in her case...'it' girl.

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