Chapter Twenty-Eight-Say Goodbye...

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Author's Note: Omg, it's finally came. The last chapter! :-) I'm so happy and excited! :-) Please tell ur friends and followers about me, I'd love to get more readers :-) Cya next book, be sure to read it if you like it!

UPDATE: New story coming out soon of mine, Wolfpire. I'm really stoked about it. If u feel up to a different story please read it! :*

Once we had put flowers around the dirt he was buried underneath, said a few funny stories about him, wished him a good time, and walked away, we climbed inside the van, and Cher sat next to me, and Blizzard was now in the front, and Roxxii was in a corner. Eli came up and took my other side, putting his arm around me. I mostioned Roxxii over, and she went over to Cher's side and hugged her. Cher put her arm around her, sighing and resting her head on my shoulder. They both fell asleep quickly, and I looked at Eli.

"Are we...going to go drop me off?" I asked sadly. His expression grew sad, and put his forehead against mine.

"I'm sorry...we just can't keep you. You won't be safe." Eli kissed the top of my head softly, running his thumb over my arm in comfort. My eyes burned as I held the tears at bay, my lips trembling. I let go of Cher and hugged Eli tightly, burying my face in his chest.

"I don't want to go." I told him. "I don't want you all to leave me."

"I don't want you to go, either," he whispered. "I'm sorry."

We held on to each other tightly, as I squeezed my eyes shut and imagined what it would be like in "safety." Would it actually be safe for me, or would all of the running and shit be for nothing? I really hoped it would all be for something. I don't think I could stand trying to keep myself safe on my own. And would I be able to contact Cole and Eli? Would they allow Blizzard to stay with Roxxii? And if not, would Cole or Eli or Cher take her? All of these things racked my mind. I hoped Eli stayed with Cher, since she had no family or friends to go back to. I knew Roxxii was afraid of Cole, but she'd warm up to his douche side and be able to stick up for herself. She was a strong little girl.

The van came to a stop, making my eyes grow wide and I looked up in fear. When I did, I saw a huge castle, looking peaceful, and for the first time, I actually felt like no one would hurt us here. Yes, I felt safe in many places, but this gave off a different vibe.

"We're here," Cole announced, waking everyone up. We all climbed out of the car, and walked up towards the castle. I gulped in fear, as we walked closer to the door. Once we were there, Cole pressed a button, and then spoke, "We have Nichole."

Something beeped loudly, and the doors flew open suddenly, revealing a beautifully decorated entering. Plants were everywhere, with a red carpet leading up the stairs, which led away. There were many other doors downstairs, all ten times the size of me.

"Ah, Nichole--and friends," the woman that was coming down the stairs stopped in alarm, but then put her sweet smile back on her face and proceeded down the stairs. She wore a long, ancient-looking dress. It had a corset, and it was black and white. Her heels clicked down the stairs as she finally reached the floor. Her dark brown hair was braided back into a bun, and she reached out to me, grabbed my hands, and whirled me around. As she did, my bummy outfit changed into a sparkly silver dress, going just above my knees. The sleeves went down just below my elbow, and white stockings went on my legs. My shoes changed from tennis shoes to five inch, sparkly silver heels with a flower on the toe. And then my hair fell gracefully down my shoulders, falling beautifuly in curls.  

"How beautiful!" The woman smiled and said, "I'm Marine, sweetie. You're protector," 

I looked down at myself, and then I looked up and grinned. "Thank you."

"Okay, so your roommates with someone, okay--? Oh, you must be Blizzard and Roxxii," Marine smiled and hugged Roxxii thankfully. "Oh, sweetie, you were supposed to come to me so long ago. I'm so glad you're here. And Blizzard, you may stay here, too."

Roxxii lit up, and Blizzard's ears went up. I smiled at them.

"And you will still be able to contact your friends. Don't worry." Marine turned to me. "You will have a cell phone. Also, they are invited to any holiday you would like."

I grinned and looked at Cole, Eli, and Cher, who all were smiling, too. Marine told me that they could stay while I settled in, and then Cher and Cole went with Roxxii to help her meet her new roommate, and Eli came with me. 

We walked inside the room, and saw a boy playing video games with headphones on his ears. I dropped my bag next to a king size bed, where none of the boy's stuff was on it. One of the beds had all of his shit and clothing on it, and one had nothing. So I turned to Eli, sighing and looking at him sadly.

"I still don't want you to leave," I said, as I wrapped my arms around his neck and he hugged me around the middle.

"I'll come and see you as soon as possible." He said, and then he pecked me on the lips. "Don't forget to call me, okay? I'll stick with Cole and Cher. I will make sure of it."

I smiled and sat on my bed. "Alright. Good. I'll call you every single time I have a chance. I swear."

"Great. Lets unpack." He said, and then he helped me put my things away and then I looked at the guy. He was my roommate. He didn't look bad. I could live with staying here, hopefully. The guy had paused his game, pulled his headphones around his neck, and then reached for a chip.

"Hi," I chirped, so he knew I was here. He flinched, and turned to look at me. He stood up, frowning.

"Are you Nichole?" He asked. I nodded. His expression quickly twisted into a smile, and he took the headphones off and walked over to me. He held out his hand, smiling.

"I'm Emett," he said. I smiled.

"Nice to meet you." I said.

"I'm her boyfriend, Eli," Eli cut in, holding out his hand. Emett chuckled and shook his hand. He had dark brown hair that was in spikes, with blonde highlights, grey eyes, pointy chin, and high cheekbones. Almost every guy I met had tattoos, but his tattoos were different. There were designs, that swirled into names, all the way up his arms, went up his neck, but stopped there.

"Nice to meet you, dude. I swear, I'm not gonna lay a finger on her," he held his palms up innocently. Eli nodded.

"Eli," Cole poked his head inside the room. "We gotta go. Ready?"

"Wait!" I ran to him, and then hugged him tightly. He hugged me back, and then Cher shoved him away, and then hugged me.

"You better call me. You're all I have left. Other than these boys, which I have to deal with while you're gone. You will call us, right?" Cher asked. We let go, and I nodded.

"Of course. Every chance I get. I pinky promise." I said. Cher laughed.

"Alright. Come on, guys. I gave the lady our numbers so that you can call us whenever. I guess this is a school where you learn to control your powers and stuff. It'll be fun. Have a good time here," she hugged me one last time, and then her and Cole left. I told Emett I'd be back, and I left out the room with Eli. And then I grabbed him and pulled him to the side.

"Boyfriend?" I raised my eyebrows, smiling.

"Yes. Is that alright with you?" He asked, nuzzling my neck. I giggled and nodded.

"Yes. Be safe. Call me, okay?" I looked up at him. He meshed his lips against mine, taking my breath away once again as he kissed me. He kissed my forehead, and then whispered, "I'll be back. I love you."

"I love you, too," I said. And then he left, and I was left alone in this new castle, alone with Emett. I wondered how well things would go here...


Omggg I'm done! :-) There will be a second book, so hopefully you will be back. Thank you so much for reading! <3

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