Chapter Eight-The Makeover

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So they didn't like me, or they did? I couldn't have my dorm mates hate me, now could I? I had to make a good impression for them, even if that meant attempting to like this place. Even though I was uncomfortable here, I would rather be here than at school. But I rather be at home with my family than over here. Where was I anyway?

I was so lost in thought I didn't even realized that someone was calling my name impatiently.

"...Nichole, over here!" 

I turned around to see...No Name or Cole? Was that Cole? He had the black hair, grey eyes, and lip ring, but...

"What's your name?" I asked him as I walked up to him. 

"It's not important right now," he muttered impatiently as he grabbed my arm and dragged me off. I allowed him to, for some stupid reason.

"It is," I snapped at him as I got sat down into a chair to face a vanity. I frowned. "Why I am here? What are you going to do?"

"I'm not doing anything," he told me. "Stay here, Becky will be here in a second--" he went to turn away but I quickly grabbed his arm. I didn't even try to attempt to pull him back, but I wanted to. I knew he'd just stay solid in place.

"What?" He snapped at me.

"Do you hate me?" I asked him. He sighed and walked closer to me, loosing all the anger he once had.

"No, I don't hate you. You're just irritating," he muttered. I laughed and nodded in agreement, because I knew it was true.

"I hear that a lot," I told him. "What's your name?"

He narrowed his eyes at me, but he still smiled. "It's Cole."

"Ah, are you Nichole?" a girl came rushing up brightly. I frowned at her.

"Uh, yeah," I said awkwardly.

"She looks like a blonde to me, especially with that name," she looked at Cole for a suggestion. What does she mean by that? 

"She could pull it off. And her eye color would go with it," Cole replied to the girl. I was holding on tightly to Cole's arm now. What the hell is happening?

"Okay, blonde it is." She got in front of me, blocking the mirror so that I could only see her. "When we are done with you, you will look like a whole different person. I am thinking strawberry blonde would look great on you, but I don't's up to you, dear," she said sweetly.

"Um, what do you mean?" I asked, frowning.

"Oh! We're giving you a makeover. We will dye your hair, layer it, cut it off depending on how it looks, we will most likely give you will look absolutely stunning!" she said happily.

"Wait, what? Why do I need to change my look?" I asked.

"Because if you don't it will be obvious that you are you. Usually we don't do many makeovers because the people we collect haven't been spotted by Rufus. But since you were, we need you to be able to go out and look completely different. So we will be putting permanent dye in your hair, so that this Nichole will be done," and then she winked. "You are naturally blonde, Nichole, but parents that know you are magical tend to dye your hair and put a spell in it so that it never changes colors again when you are old enough. Of course you wouldn't remember having blonde hair. But really, it will definitely suit you and your name." 

"I don't know about this..." I looked up to Cole. He smiled down at me.

"You'll be fine. I have to go up to the dorm real quick to get a few things for the new people coming in, I'll be back as soon as possible." He ruffled my soon-to-be-blonde hair, and walked off. And then I turned to the mirror one last time, watching myself closely, before saying, "Okay. Lets do it."

I watched her layer my hair, put the dye in it, give me bangs, brush my hair out, dried it, and then washed it again. It took forever to actually have blonde hair that looked natural. It was beautiful though, I have to admit. It flowed barely past my breasts. She put two loose braids in my hair. I did look more like myself. I couldn't stop gawking at myself...

"Your beauty is released," she told me happily. "Now, go back to your dorm and show it off!"

She didn't have to ask me twice. I stood up, and walked off happily. I kept running my fingers in my silky hair all the way until I saw that another person wanted me.

"You're Nichole, yes?" the man asked me. I smiled and nodded.

"Well, lets get you dressed." The man snapped his fingers and all of his people quickly ran over with different outfits. "Now, strip down and they will dress you. I will hope to see you soon. Bye bye!"

All the girls dressed me after I stripped into only my bra and underwear. Once they were done, I was in a white tank top, a black vest, and jean shorts, with black heels on my feet.

"The outfit is yours, and we will be giving you your new wardrobe tomorrow when you have time for shopping in here," one of the girls said. I smiled and thanked them, and left the room. I felt so weird...

 When I got back to my dorm, I frowned. Then I remembered they gave my key back that I put it my sweat pant pocket. I grabbed the key, unlocked the door, and walked inside. I saw Cole horsing around with Chase, and Brett was trying to eat without the food getting knocked all over him. He was the first to look over to me.

"Whoa there, Blondie, who are you?" He said. Cole and Chase stopped and looked over, too. Cole frowned.

"Nichole?" He asked. I nodded.

"I honestly didn't think I looked that different," I muttered, closing the door behind me, and then stood there awkwardly. 

"You do," Chase muttered. Brett's jaw dropped in shock, and he nodded in agreement. I started feeling very...awkward.

Thank God an alarm sounded, because the boys frowned and jumped up.

"It's a drill, right?" Chase asked as he pulled on a shirt. Cole shook his head as he put a cap on his head.

"I didn't hear of a drill, but lets hope it is for all the newbies," he said, as he walked to me and grabbed my hand. "Stay with us, okay? Don't lose us, and don't let go of my hand."

Cole opened his door, and Brett and Chase quickly gathered their keys and hung them around their necks, shut the door, and we faced all the confused teenagers trying to shove their way downstairs. I gulped. So. Many. People.

"Come on," Cole squeezed my hand tighter and pulled me forward. Brett and Chase sstayed side by side and followed behind me so that if I accidently lost Cole I would have them behind me.

"Hey, this is a drill, right?" Cole stopped the guy who did my outfit. 

"No!" The man cried pathetically. "Fayth was killed on her quest, along with Daniel. Rufus's men are coming to kill this entire building!"

And with that, the man ran off dramatically, snapping at the kids to hurry and leave this floor. Cole looked back to us. 

"What the hell? What floor are they on?" Chase looked around at the people that were now screaming and telling people to hurry.

"I don't know, lets go--"

the lights went out, leaving us in dark. Cole cursed.

"Of course. Come on guys, we have to hurry." He led me off, and I quickly reached back to grab Chase's hand so I didn't lose him. Chase grabbed Brett and Cole tugged us along.


I called this chapter The Makeover because it was the biggest part of the chapter...anyway, it's the weekend so I am hoping to get a lot of chapters in! :) Thanks for reading guys. 

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