Chapter Five-Trusting Him

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It had been four months since I had seen the mysterious guy that never showed his face to me. School was back in session and I was back to being bullied and pushed around by Phoebe and her friends...and I was back to seeing Dylan at school without having a major crush on him. Instead, I saw him act all sweet and shy but I knew what he really was inside. I hated people that pretended to be someone they weren't. He made me sick.

I slammed my locker shut in fury and I turned on my heel and walked off madly. I couldn't stand looking at Dylan anymore. And plus, I had to have a good attitude, or I'd just keep getting bad grades. And I don't want that if I want a good report card.

I was walking to my Social Studies class when a girl bumped into me accidently. She gasped and nearly fell, but caught herself before she did.

She turned to see who she bumped into. She was a gorgeous african-american girl, with brown hair that curled beautifully around her head. She had dark brown eyes, but her makeup brought them out a little more. She grinned at me nervously.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you. I don't want to be late to Social Studies because I heard the teacher is really strict," she explained to me. She wore a pretty purple tank top with a pretty black sequin vest over it, and skinny jeans, with high heeled ankle boots that laced up. They had to be at least five and a half inches.

Good thing is I didn't look like I usually did. I had a white tank top on and a sleeveless jean jacket over it, with skinny jeans and high heeled yetti boots on. My hair was in braids, and my bangs were combed down. I had put red highlights in my hair, making it pop more.

"Oh, it's fine, don't worry about it," I smiled at her. "My next class is Social Studies, too. But don't worry, if you get on his good side right in the beginning, he will be your favorite teacher. What's your name?" I asked as we headed to class.

"Olivia. Olivia Jenson. You?" She said, as we walked side by side.

"I'm Nichole Davie. I'm fostered." I blurted out. I frowned and didn't understand why I said that. She looked at me sadly.

"Same here. But I'm used to it, because I have been fostered since I was a kid. What about you? What happened?" She asked me. I quickly regretted ever saying anything. It kind of just slipped, like word-vomit, but worse.

"My parents died six months ago..." I muttered, trying to show her I didn't want to talk about it. She just got more sympathetic.

"I'm sorry. It gets better, don't worry." She told me, nudging me and grinning at me to make me feel better. I grinned back at her and walked inside of the classroom. Olivia followed me, and I picked desks in the middle so that me and Olivia could sit next to each other and still not be in the front nor back.  

Like always, Social Studies went on and on, as Mr. Heavy drawled on boringly. I was grateful when we were out and I quickly gathered my things and left the classroom with Olivia, not bothering to look back once.

"Nichole!" I heard my name get called from a somewhat familiar voice, and I turned around to see Danielle running to me. She wore a pretty black dress with white flowers on the bottom of her dress, white straps, and then leather ankle-high tie up high heels, that clapped loudly down the hall. When she finally reached me, she grinned.

"We have next period together--hi, I'm Dani, nice to meet you," Danielle held her hand out to Olivia, and Olivia didn't hesitate to shake it. I loved how friendly she was. 

"I'm Olivia, nice to meet you, too." 

Dani looked at me, with a wide smile across her face. Even though I absolutely despised her brother, Dani and me had been friends for a while now. Not close friends, but we were friends. Today her light brown hair was in a loose side french braid, with a black and white flower in it. 

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