Chapter Thirteen - Practice Makes Perfect

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Over the past week, I've learned everything I could from Sophia and practice in front of the mirror every single chance I get. True, I won't master the art of seduction as fast as lightning, but I'm getting better and better at this – I hope. Tonight, I'm going to put my skill to the test.

There is a long queue in front of Red Room – a huge night club in the center of the town. A lot of students from Westwood College go here every Friday night, but tonight is my first time. Actually, it's my first time ever going into a club; to say that I'm nervous is a true understatement.

I can feel the blood rushing through my veins and my heart beating like a drum as I strut down the street in my five-inches high heels – which are total nightmares. My short, white bodycon dress feels a little tight around the chest and especially the waist – something I've never felt before. While I struggle to gasp for air, Sophia constantly reminds me – or more like forces me – to walk with a straight posture. How can those models even breathe in these dresses?

But, days of practice allow me to put on a poker face and hide my true agony. Meanwhile, my eyes widen a little when I see there must be at least a hundred people lining before the door right now.

"Psst!" I tip on my toe to whisper to Sophia's ears. "How are we gonna get inside? By the time we get to the front line, it'll already be dawn!"

Giving a lopsided grin, Sophia replied, "Follow my lead."

Doubt still lingers in my mind, but I take a deep breath and follow Sophia as she walks straight to the front row.

"Robbie!" she greets the tall, dark, handsome man who before the queue.

The bulky young man is checking people's ID before they enter the club when he throws his gaze our way. The brown-haired man's blue eyes light up with excitement the second he sees the gorgeous girl walking next to me. "Sophia!"

A wide smile was formed on the man's square face. "Long time no see!" The smell of his cheap cologne pierced my nose as he bends down to give Sophia a tight hug. Straightening himself up, he asks, "How have you been?"

"Awesome as always, honey!" Sophia flashed a smile.

Then, he turns his gaze at me and observes me from head to toe. With a smirk, he nods to himself. "Who's your friend over here?"

"This is Mac. Mac, meet Robbie." Sophia leans sideways towards me and whispers, "He's my cousin."

"Ahh..." Shaking the tanned man's firm grip, I smile politely. "Nice to meet you."

He returns the smile. As we retract our hands to our sides, Sophia asks, "So, are you gonna let us in or what?"

"Sophia..." A look of perplexity fills his face. His thin lips form a straight line as his wide forehead puckers. He takes a glance at the flock of girls standing in line beside us.

When I turn around slightly, I notice Lisa Lemmons – one of the girls who bullied me on Instagram – is standing next to her friends in between the crowd. Their eyes are fixated on us as they start to whisper to each other, probably wondering why we're allowed to cut the line. Anger starts to seep into my brain as I begin to remember what she has said about me.

"You know I can't do that," Robbie continues after a while.

"Can't?" Sophia put her right hand on her hip and raises her perfectly arched brow, throwing him a judging look. "Or won't?"

The lines on his forehead deepen. Then, he lowers his gaze, silently answering her question. At the same time, I can hear Lisa and her friends start to giggle at us. I grit my teeth as my heart continues to pound faster, hoping Sophia has another trick up her sleeves.

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