Chapter Fifteen - A Change of Heart

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Warning: This chapter contains a slight mature scene that is not suitable for those under the age of 17. Read at your own risk.

~♡~Sophia's POV~♡~

"Ten thousand five hundred and eighty-three views."

I close my eyes and sigh. This is it. This is the end of my career.

"What the fuck were you thinking?" Angela's voice blares through the phone.

After what happened last night at the club, some jerk posted the video on Instagram and it went viral. As usual, people threw curses at me like I'm a saint in the olden days. I personally don't mind that – I have developed a thick skin over the years – but Angela surely does.

She keeps rambling on and on about how this will affect my career and her agency, yada yada yada. I stop listening after a few seconds and decide to accept my fate. Being a bad girl has its perks, but it also has its consequences.

Normally, I would point the blame and channel my anger to someone else, probably that She-Hulk or that Zac Efron lookalike. I mean, who would've thought a guy that handsome would have a girlfriend that strong? Even so, I don't know why it's getting harder and harder to do so lately. My heart keeps saying I'm the one who's responsible for my actions – a rather bizarre thought, I know.

If I could turn back time, I wouldn't have made out with that Zac Efron lookalike – no matter how handsome he is – and I wouldn't have punched that She-Hulk first. But, I can't. I've regretted a lot of things in my life and this might just be the worst yet. I threw away my career – one that I've built for the past two years – and for what? Some stupid bar fight? Just so I could look tough in front of others?

I let out a long, heavy sigh. Maybe I should turn into someone more like Mac. Be more of a good girl.

My forehead creases in an instant. What the heck? Where does that outrageous thought come from?

"... are you listening?" Angela's voice brings me back to reality.

"Y-yeah, of course, I am, Ange." A whimper comes out of my mouth as I pull myself up to a sitting position on the couch. Pain shoots all over my body – especially my back – because of what that She-Hulk did last night. If it wasn't for Mac, I think I would've ended up in the hospital for real this time.

I have to admit, I'm a little jealous when she told me how a boy helped her help me. Meeting a good guy in a club is rare; it definitely never happens to me before. Most guys just want a quick hook-up and never call me again. Some don't even bother knowing my name! Well, I don't bother knowing theirs either, but still.

I guess it's Mac's hidden charm – one that she doesn't realize – that allows her to meet someone good in a place she least expected it.

I guess it isn't so bad being the good girl, huh?

Angela's sigh grabs my attention. "This is your last chance, Sophia. I mean it," her tone softens.

"I know. It won't happen again. I promise."

"Good," she replies, her tone firm. "Now, about that job tomorrow. Can I still trust you with it?"

Last week, Angela had set me up for a photo session with Alessandro Moretti, a talented, hotshot photographer hired by one of her clients. She said he handpicked me after seeing my works – which is a real honor, to be honest. It's been said that those who are photographed by him will get huge exposure and guaranteed success in the current modeling industry. That's why I can't let this job fly out of my grasp.

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