Chapter Twenty-Five - Just Another Ordinary, Everyday, Bar Fight... Right?

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~♡~Mac's POV~♡~

What the heck is Dylan doing here? And why is he fighting?

Just as Dylan is gaining the upper hand and starting to beat the brown-haired boy viciously, four—no, five—guys suddenly join the fight. They grab Dylan's arms and yank him off his opponent. Even though Dylan tries his best to fight them, five bulky boys are just too many for one guy.

"I can't believe this," Mark continues to mutter beside me. "Why did you even break into my house? That doesn't make any sense! I mean... I don't even know you!"

He continues to mumble on and on, but my gaze is fixated across the room instead. I wince as one of the guys throw a strong punch to Dylan's face. A small gasp escapes my mouth when I see the blood seeping out of his lips.

Oh, that's it!

"M?" Mark calls. "M? Can you please explain—"

"Look, I'm so sorry, okay?" I turn to look at him. "I promise I'll explain everything later. But right now, I have to help my friend."

I switch my gaze to the bar table and grab my glass of Vodka. Wait. This isn't gonna be enough. With that in mind, my eyes search around the premises and fall to the half-full glass in front of a woman sitting by the bar. The woman seems to be busy flirting with the man beside her, so I decide to grab her glass as well.

"Hey!" she protests, but I ignore her.

Stomping loudly towards the scene of the fight, my chest moves up and down and my breathing gets faster. You can do this, Mac. You survived a bar fight once. Surely, you can do that again.

It's just another, ordinary, everyday, bar fight... right?

I suppose it's the booze talking as I'm pretty much drunk as hell right now. My brain knows I should be afraid—very, very afraid—but strangely, there isn't an ounce of fear inside of me.

With a loud scream, I tighten my grip on the glasses and aim one of them to one of the boys' head.


The glass violently breaks into pieces and blood slowly runs down the small slit on the blonde boy's temple.

"Mac? What the heck are you doing?" Sophia asks, shock in her voice.

"I'm helping!" I shift my gaze at her. "Why aren't you?"

The fighting boys freeze in an instant, inadvertently releasing Dylan. They dart their gaze towards the blonde boy, who's staggering backward. He brings a hand to his temple as his body sways uncontrollably. Dragging his now bloody fingers in front of him, his blue eyes widen in shock when he sees the tiny drip of blood on his finger. Within seconds, he faints; his body creates a loud thump as it hits the ground.

Ugh. What a loser.

The remaining boys look at each other for a moment before they turn their gaze on me. Their bloodshot eyes go wide, their nostrils flare and their teeth flash at me.

Oh, shit. That's not good.

With loud grunts and growls, they charge towards me. A loud gasp escapes my mouth as I find myself freezing in place.

What should I do? What should I do? WHAT SHOULD I DO?

But before they get near me, Dylan and Sophia quickly attack them. Dylan throws mad punches and kicks at three of the boys while Sophia uses a barstool to continuously hit one of the boys' back, holding them back so they don't get to me.

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