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"I.. am.. glad. Daughter.

They told me.. to wait.

Please.. Show Me."

With a sweep of the old woman's hand, Baecrush looks out to the field she remembers. A field her mother had tended all her life.

The last time she was here, Baecrush was still small enough to be carried in one hand.

Baecrush has developed 'crush sense' now and can perceive the extent of the field under the surface.

She lifts it entirely into the air. A hundred paces square and six paces deep.

Then she binds crush bars to the lassos of moon (persistent crush force left by others). She aligns crush bars to the similar arches of earth.

The weight of orbiting bodies is a 'crush' no living thing may endure (no matter how small). Nothing toxic lives after being 'crushed' in that manner.

Baecrush cycles the soil through the pressing area she has built. It is a race in time to sterilize this volume of soil. The crush bars were built to size. There is some flex to lassos and arches, but earth and moon do move.

Her mother helps Beacrush by taking the crushed soil away. Beacrush concentrates on the cycling of the soil into the press.

Mother fills the field into heaping smooth mound. It will settle to be flat over time.

When it is over Baecrush feels both tired and happy.

Her mother whispers weakly.

"They told me to wait. That you would be special if I waited to have a child.

I am.. glad I held on.

To see this. Daughter.

It was worth it. Baecrush.

They saw it and told me."

Beacrush leaves thrilled with the others in the sphere.

It was so nice to see her mother again. Yet, she looked older and more worn.

As the sphere returned Baecrush and the other girls, Baecrush looked at the big building see had often hated hearing about.


Today, it is less fearsome. They had told her that she will have her life here. But it would be nice if she could visit her mother. Someone that was too far away for walking even in a span of whole seasons.

Hauntingly Beautiful GirlsWhere stories live. Discover now