"A Goddesses' Hand (Part 5)"

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Inside the tent, she shudders and becomes shaky. Laying out this man with the arrow in his shoulder.

She breathes and rests. Knowing how athletes can become weak after even short bursts.

She will not touch the arrow until her hands are calm.

The arrow had heavy tip (made for striking into armor).

She pours some drink from a skin onto a strip of the cloak. In the first attempt to pull out the arrow, the sound it makes against bone forces her to stop.

She takes another strip of the cloak to hold between her own teeth. She must not gag while trying to pull out the arrow.

The sound and pull of the arrow tip stuck in his shoulder is difficult. She gets it out with a twist and holds the prepared strip to the wound. Washing her arms and his clothes with tears.

She has no war wound experience, but her father died in a city war.

She holds the cloth there for hours. Eventually laying her body onto his to keep the cloth pressed in.

For days, he lays without waking and grows warmer. She uses every pillow and fabric to encase him next to her. Using her body warmth to add to his.

One morning, there are sounds again outside.

A man enters. Still leaning against his shoulder she speaks and holds up the arrow. "Please get a medical man."

The man lifts her up by her upper arm and is distracted by the blood on her unclothed body.

She gives him a thump to the chest that sends him falling backwards out of the tent.

She returns to lay against the wound.

Unarmed men enter the tent and entreat to let them have the man.

They give her thin cloak and bundle him onto a [camel].

She walks beside that camel for most of a day.

They get to place with buildings and she is moved by men with weapons into a room.

There are only women there. None of them look very friendly at all.

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