F O U R.

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Nature sucks. Sure, I do like to go on the occasional hike and see what meager wildlife Oklahoma has but romping through a thick forest filled with mosquitoes and killer bears? 

Definitely not my idea of fun.

Ken-which is what I've named the guy who took me here, due to the fact that he always acts like a smiling Ken doll- swats at the prodding branches, disgusted. His impeccable suit has already been streaked with dirt and a sheen of sweat breaks out on his face as we start on a slight incline. I'm guessing he's not the type to hit the gym. 

"Are we there yet?" I say, exhausted. My muscles ache as I jump over a particularly large boulder, glaring at my scratched arms. Why we couldn't stay on the hiking trail, I don't know. The smart part of my mind suggests not questioning the government's motives. The Secret Security dudes look like cliffs. Hard, jagged cliffs. They seem the least bit affected by our little trek.

"Does it look like we're there yet?" Ken snaps and I reel back, hitting a black-clad guard. He raises a brow, almost imperceptibly. I stammer out a hasty apology and regain my pace. 

Ken's face relaxes into that broad, fake smile he's been wearing this whole time. Honestly, who's he trying to convince? That smile really makes him look like a doll.

"Sorry, Elizabeth-"

"Lizzy." I say for the millionth time. The guy doesn't seem to take a hint.

"Right," he says, dismissive. "I'm sorry for snapping. You see, our destination is well-hidden for a reason. We'll get there when we get there."

"Peachy." I force through clenched teeth. Ken doesn't seem to hear it. 

After what feels like days, our entourage grinds to a stop, much to my relief. 

I should go to the gym more often.

That is, if I get out of this mission alive. The mission that I'm completely in the dark about. I whoosh out a breath and force myself to be optimistic. It's like saying that porky officer was in good shape; completely fake. I hold a hand up to my brow and do a 360. 

"There's nothing here." I tell them, annoyed. 

A guard chortles. "Just you wait, kid." 

"I'm not a kid." I huff, edging away. The burliest security guard takes a giant step forward, raising a small black device to his mouth.

"Freedman to Base. Do you copy?"

Freedman. Gotta remember that.

The device crackles and I jump slightly. 

"We copy. Raising door now." Almost immediately after a large whirring sound fills the forest. The birds flee in a screech of chirps and chitters. The ground separates, and a large, square black box rises from the hole. Leaves, dirt, and even a squirrel falls into the widening hole. I stupidly gape as a door opens with a smooth hiss. A guard pokes me and I walk forward, shooting him a dirty look.

"Watch it, pal." I growl. 

I still can't believe what I just saw. The ground literally split. Just like that. Like someone would open their mouth. I peer down the hole, feeling a pang of guilt for the poor squirrel. It's probably squished against the ground by now. 

Feeling slightly sick, I follow Ken as he strides calmly into the door. It shuts behind me and we're bathed in darkness. With a scuffle of boots and a small thud, light floods in and once more, I'm stunned into silence. It's a huge chamber and we're standing on a raised platform of grid metal. It's circular, despite the box shape of the exterior facade. It's completely made of chrome, all grays and blacks. People mill around in the lower platform, all outfitted in sleek suits. No one stops to see me, all content with ignoring me and getting on with their job. There's a huge screen in the front, spanning one whole wall of the chamber. Thousands of individual screens play, all at different part of the border.

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