T H I R T Y - T H R E E.

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I race down the near-empty roads like a lunatic. I only have one thought in my mind.

Get to Sam. 

The car tires screech as I dangerously round the bend, leaving tire marks. I wince. I don't know how much abuse our old car can take. 

The water glimmers, calling to me like a beacon. I've hardly parked before I jump out of the car, running down the grassy slopes to the shore. Being here, in the clean lake air, feels... good. When Sam first was taken, I couldn't even drive past his house without crying. But being here, the location of one of my most treasured memories, feels like a welcome. 

He's here. I can feel it. 

 I skid down the bank, tripping over loose stones as I do. Energy, nervousness, and adrenaline speed through me as I look around wildly for him. With every minute, my hopes fall. Maybe Dad had been lying. Maybe he isn't here. 

No, he is. Keep looking. 

I walk around aimlessly, looking for any sign of him. After ten minutes, I sink onto a rock, looking at my hands. 

"I didn't think you would remember." I startle and leap to my feet, whipping around towards the source of the voice. 

My heart falters when I see who's standing a few feet away.

It's Sam, just as I remember him; with those unruly blond locks, sparkling blue eyes, lopsided smile. It's him. I sprint to him, pumping my legs as fast as I can go. My tears disappear into the wind as I run. My thoughts are consumed by him, only him, always Sam. 

He stumbles to me and I collide to him, almost knocking him over in the process. I'm outright sobbing now, making no effort to conceal my tears. Sam knows me and respects me; he won't think me childish for crying. I'm always my best self around him.

The kiss is not the prettiest. It's a mess of lips and teeth and tongue and everything, but I don't care. It's the kiss I've been waiting for, all these years. 

When we finally come up for air, Sam rests his forehead against mine and the two of us breathe in tune.

"I've missed you so much," I breathe to him.

"Not more than I've missed you," comes his reply, voice ragged and hoarse. 

"When I saw you in the forest... I didn't know what to think."

"I'm here now, aren't I?" he whispers to me.

I laugh softly, playing with the soft curls at the nape of his neck. He dips down and kisses me again, more softly, gently, this time.

And he's right. Right now, the only thing that matters is this moment. I've dreamed about this, reuniting with Sam.

It's better than I ever imagined. 

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