T W E N T Y.

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We follow Olive and the others at a distance, even though I'm beyond grateful to see another human being. Oliver keeps a wary eye on her, stopping the three of us from getting too close. I secretly think that he's just cross about the fact that her name is Olive. 

"Almost there, kids," she calls back. I can practically hear Lucas's teeth grinding together.

"We aren't kids."

"Hmm," replies Olive idly, looking completely disinterested. She doesn't look older than 23 but I have a gut feeling that it's in my interest to just do what she says. The woman is scary, and I've only known her for five minutes or so.

One of the guys keep sneaking glances back at Aria, which doesn't surprise me in the least. These people probably have been out here for a very long time, and Aria's not exactly ugly. She looks like one of those pretty pink beach Barbies that you would find on a beach in Malibu. 

My curiosity gets the better of me. "How long have you been out here?"

"None of your business." A gruff man says roughly. My anger prickles but surprisingly, it's Olive who defends me. She places a hand on his arm and turns to me slightly.

"When President Harper was elected. A few months after." 

My jaw practically hits the floor. "8 years?"

"It ain't that bad." 

I beg to differ. I don't even want to imagine living here for four years. Aria pales and I guess that she's thinking the same thing. I restrain my snort. The princess probably can't imagine living anywhere else other than her huge beachside mansion with her endless servants and clothes. 

Olive and the group grind to a stop in a clearing. I peek over Olive's shoulder- she's not a tall woman, petite like my mother-and I gasp in shock.

It's a bright red door, standing alone. Chills creep over me and I shiver, rubbing my arms vigorously. Something about this is... off. I knew that we're one of the more technically advanced countries in the world but this seems otherworldly. Oliver's caterpillar eyebrows are scrunched tight; I can tell he's confused to. Olive and the others don't look the least bit surprised, and walk up and press in a key code too rapid for me to remember. The door begins to buzz, a consistent, droning sound. It fills the clearing, until I can't hear anything else. Olive leans in and widens her eye. I watch as a neon green laser thoroughly scans her eye. 

The door lets out a chirpy bing and the door swings open. From my view, all I can see is more forest. Olive walks easily through, gesturing for us to follow. Lucas and I glance at each other nervously; I don't like this at all. My family has always been an old-fashioned sort; Dad liked to joke that Ardmore lives in the past. All this technology is making me antsy. 

Olive puffs a breath, annoyed. Perching a hand on her hip, she waves at us again, more insistent this time.

"By all means, take your sweet, sweet time." She drawls, rolling her eyes. That gets Oliver moving and almost runs through it. Olive smirks, then shifts to wait for us. Aria tightens her lips and starts to move but in a haste to get through before her, I lightly jog to the door. I refuse to let Aria seem more brave than me; that would be the lowest of lows. 

Inhaling a shuddering breath, squinting my eyes close, I step through and feel solid concrete under my sneakers. My eyes fly open and again, stupidly, I gasp. We're not in a forest at all; there's not a tree in sight. Instead, we're in a metal, vent-like tunnel, blocky and drafty. Seconds later, Lucas and Aria pop into view, inches away from me. I shriek and jump back, jostling an unimpressed Olive as I do. 

"Follow us." She jerks her chin and the ten of us set down the silver hall, completely silent. It feels like I'm in a funeral procession. 

After what feels like hours, Olive holds up a fist in front of a huge, iron door. There's no handle, only this gigantic, rusted wheel that looks painful to turn. Olive and the others clamp on the wheel and twist, the screeching sound flooding the corridor. Aria slaps her hands over her ears.  

The six of them turn the wheel easily, not even breaking a sweat. The door yawns open and Olive spreads her arms. 

"Welcome to the Lock." 

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