Chapter 4

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   Wei Ying was really raged to see Wangji's closeness to Sizhui. Zixuan suddenly commented,"You seem to very close to Sizhui." Wangji smiled a little but didn't say anything, just ruffled Sizhui's hair softly, lovingly. Mingjue couldn't stand it anymore,"Wangji! Are you dating anyone?" Wangji smirked,"Not really." Sizhui pouted on the answer, he wanted Wangji to give a more sassy answer, after all his ex was infront of him sitting beside his fiance. Sizhui already got the essence of their relationship but he wasn't sure if Wangji had still feelings for Wei Ying or not. Without Sizhui's knowledge everyone noticed his pout, even Wei Ying too. They really thought that something was going on between Wangji and Sizhui.
   To make the situation better Wen Qing suggested them to play 'truth or dare'. Half of them really protested but with the persuasion of the other half, all of them agreed to play that childish game. Yanli asked Guangyao "Truth or dare?" Guangyao replied "Truth". Yanli asked, "Are you single or dating someone behind our back? Tell me the truth brother-in-law." Guangyao smiled,"I'm dating Qin Su for a month now." Everyone started to complain about not knowing that before. Guangyao asked Jiang Cheng to kiss Xichen for 5 minutes straight as he chose dare.
   Suddenly Xichen whispered something in Jiang Cheng's ear. Cheng smiled and asked Sizhui,"I'm choosing Sizhui. Truth or dare?" Sizhui smiled shyly as he replied "Truth". Jiang Cheng asked,"What do you think of Wangji?" With everyone's surprise Wangji didn't say anything against that question. Sizhui smiled a little,"Lan Zhan is my best friend. He understands me more than anyone. Though he seems to be cold outside but he is warm in his heart. He is an introvert but I have no problem to understand his thoughts still now. I respect him and I like him." Wangji averted his eyes towards Sizhui and smiled a little. Suddenly Xichen asked, "Jingyi! Do you like me?" Jingyi shouted, "It's so cringy." Everyone laughed a little. As it was Sizhui's turn, Wen Qing answered,"I want to choose. I want dare."
    Sizhui was a little bit afraid to give her a dare but suddenly Guangyao smiled, "Don't worry Sizhui. I'm giving her dare on the behalf of you." Sizhui was relieved as slightly tilted towards Lan Zhan. Guangyao smiled, "Let's make it wild. Go give a lap dance to anyone except your boyfriend." Wen Qing is always known for her bold nature. She didn't hesitate at all and walked towards Guangyao and smiled,"I think the person who suggested it is the best option." After giving a satisfactory time of lap dance Qing returned to her seat leaving behind a very flushed Guangyao who was reassembling to the setting sun.
     Wen Qing smiled devilishly,"I'm choosing you Wangji. Truth or dare?" Wangji sighed a bit,"Dare." And that was the opportunity she was waiting for. Either the dare would be a start to patching things up between Wangxian couple or it would make Wei Ying jealous that he would start to understand his true feelings towards Wangji, one way or another it was an win win situation. Everyone could sense that she was plotting something. And she dropped the bomb,"Give someone minimum 12 pecks on different places beside your brother." Everyone knew she did that to make Wangji irritated because he was not close to anyone to kiss. But no one got to know the actual motive. Wangji hesitately looked towards Wei Ying. Along with Wei Ying everyone thought that Wangji was going to choose Wuxian but then they noticed Wangji looked at Sizhui and Sizhui understood in a second. He smiled,"It's fine Lan Zhan. It's only a dare." Wangji apologized in advance and proceeded. He kissed Sizhui's forehead, both cheeks, chin, nose, both ears, both sides of neck, both of the hands and he placed the last one on Sizhui's left side head. Sizhui turned into a living tomato and Lan Zhan's neck and ears got reddish.
    Everyone became speechless. When everyone was fumbling about it in their heart. Jiang Cheng and Xichen thought,"I think we both guessed it right. Wangji and Sizhui is perfect for each other. We should be the matchmakers and make them a couple. It will be a perfect punishment for Wei Ying."
    Wen Qing thought,"Though it is the second option but still my plan successfully has started." Wen Ning was confused by his sister's actions. Rulan got broken hearted after all he kinda liked Sizhui. Jingyi was lost in his thoughts to see the boldness of Wangji and his cousin brother Sizhui. Guangyao already knew what Xichen was thinking while Zixuan was just enjoying the show. Yanli was a little bit sad but still she hoped for best. The Nie brothers were that much shaken by the incident that they were not in a right state of mind to think properly.
   Wei Ying's emotions switched from one to another quickly. From being happy and excited, he took a second to change into a jealous person. This time he thought that he would explode due to that much of stress and rage towards Wangji and this new boy Sizhui. Wangji chose Xichen and thus the game was on for a few minutes more. After that they had lunch and went to the private movie theater of the Lan's. Everyone was sitting in small groups. After quite a fight they agreed to watch "Train to Busan". Through out the whole movie, some people kept silent, some cursed, some cried in fear and some cried in sorrow. After completing the movie everyone was shocked to see a crying Jingyi after all he is a perfect audience, Rulan was cursing the man for turning Gong Yoo into a zombie, Sizhui was desperate to stop both Jingyi and Rulan. Wangji was expressionless as usual and others were smiling to see the trio while Wei Ying was closely observing Lan Zhan for the whole time.
   They really missed their school life. After watching the movie they came back to the main building of the mansion started to have a chat. Everyone was sharing their stories. Though Jingyi and Sizhui were outsider but in that conversation they contributed their past stories too. Even they shared the stories of their college lives which included Lan Zhan and Lan Xichen. Suddenly Jingyi exclaimed,"What? What's wrong with you Rulan? Who gives their dog's name 'Fairy'?" Rulan boasted,"I always have the best sense of giving things names like Jiang Cheng. And moreover what's wrong with the name? He is a very good dog, never bites anyone, always listens to me." Every one laughed and Yanli spoke,"Oh! Jingyi it's nothing. My brother has unique tests of giving names too. He gave the puppies names like 'Lovely','Sweety', 'Beauty'."
   Xichen laughed so hard,"I can't believe it. A-Cheng, you gave those kind of names. I'm never letting you to give names to our pets and kids. Never." Everyone stopped at once. Wangji smiled,"You have already made plans for kids. Good job brother." Xichen smiled,"Obviously. I am not dating Wanyin just to kill my time. I'm dating him so I can marry him and have our kids and start a family." Xichen saw Wangji's expression changed and he continued, "With you included Wangji. You are my world along with Wanyin. Without one of you I'll not survive."
   Guangyao clapped his hands,"No more serious discussions boys. We are happy for you guys and Jiang Cheng is already blushing like hell. Change of the topic. Sizhui do you wanna know who and what is the cause behind the sudden disappearance of Wanyin's every single puppy?" Every one laughed hard as they remembered the cause and somehow everyone saw a flash of anger on Jiang Cheng's face for a moment. Rulan laughed,"From his childhood Wei Ying is so fucking much afraid of dogs that he starts to cry by only seeing dog's pictures or listening someone talking about dogs. When Jiang Cheng came home with his three little puppies Wei Ying was not home. Wanyin put those puppies secretly in the outhouse. But his luck was worst that day, Wei Ying went to the outhouse for killing time and discovered the puppies which were barking at him like crazy. Wei Ying ran out of the outhouse and and went to his room. Before he could say anything he had a fever and lost his conscious. That night our Jiang Cheng got a hand full of scolding from both of his parents and his elder sister for bringing puppies without their permission and for making Wei Ying unconscious. From that Jiang Cheng forgot his love for the dogs and devoted himself to chase away dogs from Wei Ying."
   This was still a story of amusement for others as they shared some more amusing stories like Wangji's love for bunnies, kind Huaisung's revenge on the class president, Zixuan's fear of snakes and many more. As they planned to spend the whole day together they ordered pizzas along with a great amount of alcohol. Everyone was eating and drinking while having a good time. Only Xichen and Wangji was not drinking, they never drink. Sometimes because of some business deals Xichen had drank red wine, nothing else. Everyone was drinking in a limit after all they had to drive back to the house. So everyone's drinking was under control. Though Sizhui drank sometimes but he didn't know what happened to him that time. After having the second bottle he felt dizzy and leaned on Wangji and hugged him tightly.
   Wangji sighed and thought for a second that Wei Ying never got drunk no matter how much he drank. Wangji apologized to everyone,"I'm sorry. I can't see you guys off. I'm taking Sizhui to the room. See you later guys." Wangji picked up Sizhui in the bridal style and went to the second floor. Everyone saw a lot of more shocking things that day. That's why they didn't get bothered at all. They all took their leaves soon. Before going to the parking lot Xichen kissed Jiang Cheng lovingly,"Come tomorrow morning. We should have a talk with them." Jiang smiled and nodded slightly.
   Everyone was saying goodbye to each other while Rulan spoke,"I kinda like the guy, Sizhui. He is cute." Everyone was hesitating, they were thinking whether to tell him or not but see the golden opportunity Jiang Cheng took the first step of their plan. He spoke,"I don't think that you have any kind of chance here. My brother-in-law probably has a thing for Sizhui and more over they get along together pretty well." Every one nodded in support. Rulan just sighed and went to his brothers' car. Jiang Cheng smirked to see Wei Ying's pained expression. He went to the car and as he was about to drive off, Wei Ying opened the door of the car and sat beside Jiang Cheng. Wanyin looked at him questioningly. Wei Ying smiled,"That's my home too." Jiang Cheng scoffed,"Oh! My bad I forgot. I thought you are going to stay at Wen Qing's forever." Wei Ying smiled and smacked Jiang Cheng's head. For the rest of the road they continued their bickering which expanded till they fell asleep.

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