Chapter 14

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   Wei Ying was listening to Sizhui's accusations without protesting. He was crying in silence and it was hurting Xichen. Xichen knew that not only in that life but also in other lives Wei Ying would never try to harm Wangji. Xue Yang couldn't watch it anymore, he said slowly,"It was me. I called him. I wanted to show Senior Wei that his Lan Zhan is still now his, no one else's. That engagement is fake." Wei Ying went to Xue Yang and shook him,"Why? Xue Yang, why? I don't want to know if that engagement is fake or not. I want him back. I love him more than anything. I want him back. Why? Why did you do that? I made that distance just to protect him, then why you did that? I can't be around him but still I knew that he is doing okay. But why my love is fighting with death now? What have I done wrong? Loving him? I love him, I love him. Now, what will I do? I want him back in my arms. I want my Lan Zhan back."
   Jiang Cheng hugged his brother,"Wei Ying! Hold yourself together. He will be alright." Wei Ying took out his engagement ring and put it in Wen Qing's hand,"I can't do this anymore. Is God punishing me for faking everything in my life? But it was the only way to stop ruining his life. After all I'm not worthy of him. Wen Qing I'm freeing you from this fake relationship. When Lan Zhan will wake up, I'll see him once and I'll leave China. I'll go somewhere else, far away from him. Just Wen Qing, just return my Lan Zhan." Xichen was going to ask Wei Ying something but before he could, doctors came out from the OT.
   Wen Qing ran towards Dr. Mo,"Xuanyu! Is he okay?" Xuanyu sighed,"We have done what we could but now everything will be known when he will gain conscious. He is now in coma. If he doesn't gain conscious in five days then he can slip into coma forever." Wei Ying felt dizzy and blacked out all of a sudden. Jiang Cheng held Wei Ying,"He is burning." Wen Qing told Xuanyu to be in charge of Wangji and everyone went back. Because there was nothing they could do. Xuanyu suggested Sizhui to stay there, after all he was Wangji's fiancee but Wen Qing told everything and Xuanyu said,"Then please make sure to wake Wei Ying up and send him here. Wangji can listen, if he talks to Wangji then he can make progress."
   Three days already passed by, neither Wangji nor Wuxian got back their conscious. Everyone gathered in Jiang Cheng's house. Everyone got to know about the whole mess, Mr and Mrs Jiang were surprised that they couldn't understand their son. Wen Qing announced her breakup with Wei Ying and Sizhui had done the same. Everyone was wondering what was the reason for those break ups but People still didn't know that Wangji was in an accident, the news had been covered up. After all if the rival companies got to know then it would be harmful to Lan industry. In the drawing room Xichen asked everyone,"Does anyone know what Wei Ying was trying to say? His words were mysterious."
   Suddenly they heard trembling footsteps, they saw Wei Ying was coming down. He was wearing a shirt and a jeans. His hair was disheveled, eyes were teary and red. He came down,"It's been three days already. Why haven't you wake me up? Only two days left. I have to go. I need to wake him up. I need to..." Jiang Cheng pulled Wei Ying and make him sit on the couch as he asked,"At first calm down a bit. Wei Ying you are not telling us something. Tell us, what are you keeping away from us?" Before Wei Ying could protest Xichen commented,"Swear on the name of Wangji that you don't know anything."
   Wei Ying shivered,"But if I tell you, he will ruin Lan Zhan's life. He will." Xichen patted Wei Ying's shoulder, "You can believe me. We all are with Wangji and you. Tell us everything." Wei Ying started,"It all started two months before our third anniversary. We got our results, Lan Zhan and I were coming out of the school and we kissed in front of the school gate but suddenly a man arrived and greeted Lan Zhan. He said,'Youngest master Lan, your uncle is here. He wants you to come back home now, with him.' Lan Zhan followed that man quickly and that very night he called me. He told me that no matter what he would always love me, don't believe anyone else but only believe him. It was a little bit confusing at that time but everything got cleared next day. Mr Lan Qiren came to our house to meet his old friends, my parents. But no one was home, I was there, so I invited him in.
   Probably for some unknown reason he was already hostile towards me. He told me to sit down beside him. As I did he started to speak,"I'm here mainly because I wanted to talk to you. Actually warn you. I practically raised Xichen and Wangji from their childhood. I know them more than anyone. Yesterday I saw you and Wangji were kissing in front of the school. When I asked Wangji, he said that he can sacrifice anything for you. What do you think about it?" I asked him what he actually wanted from me. He asked me to break Wangji's heart. If I didn't listen to him then he would kick out Wangji from the family, from the legacy and ruin his life. I asked that how could he do that to his own nephew. He told me that he could do anything to save his family name, he can't let an abomination like me to ruin his precious Wangji's life, I am not at all worthy of the second heir of Lan family.
   I reasoned him that Wangji would not believe me even if I tell him to breakup. He said, "I knew it from the start that you are just like your mother. You are not at all worthy of Lan Wangji. You have to break up with him. Though I told him that you are just nothing but a gold digger, a liar, you are just passing time by playing with his heart. He doesn't believe me. But if he listens the same thing from you, it would work. I want you to break his heart that his heart can never beat for you. Before your third anniversary I want the work to be done. Send him to London. Xichen is coming, I want Wangji to accompany him. You don't have to worry. When he would be in London, I would send you a handsome amount of money."
   I told him that Wangji deserves more. He deserves the world. I'm going to let go of him not because of money but I don't want his life to get ruined because of me. I want him to succeed the company and live like a king as he destined to be, not to live like a puppet.
   That's why I started to misbehave with Lan Zhan, it worked as slow poisoning. And I chose the perfect day for our breakup. Our third anniversary. I ruined our love life to stop his uncle from ruining his. I hated myself for all those years. I couldn't even commit suicide. If I did, it would indicate my love for him. That's why I drowned myself in drink, smoke and sex. Then I faked my relationship with Wen Qing, she came to me as my doctor, my savior. I told her everything but couldn't tell that. I ruined Jiang Cheng's life too, for me Jiang Cheng couldn't have a nice time with you, Huan ge and because of my guilt I couldn't lean on him. I know I ruined Wen Qing's life by faking my emotions towards her but it was the only way for me to live at the moment."
   Xichen was in utter shock when he heard what his uncle had done to his brother and his brother-in-law. Everyone understood why Wei Ying was behaving like that for all of those years. Xichen shouted,"Why? Why haven't you told us? Why have you put up with this for all those years, hurting yourself." Wei Ying sadly smiled,"When Lan Zhan told that he was going to get engaged to Sizhui. I wanted to tell you guys everything. But before I could, your uncle called me and threatened me again. He said he still can ruin Lan Zhan's life. What can I do in this situation?" Wei Ying showed the phone number from where he got Qiren's call, Xichen confirmed that it was indeed his uncle who called Wei Ying. Xichen sighed,"I believe you Wei Ying. At that time Wangji also told me that he was threatened by our uncle. He didn't explain much but he was afraid to lose you. I really can't understand my uncle. Please go to Wangji and try your best to wake him up."
   Wei Ying nodded as he turned towards Sizhui,"Is it okay with you? After all I'm your lover's ex." Rulan asked,"When have you dated me that we became ex all of a sudden?" Wei Ying was completely lost then everyone remembered that Wei Ying knew nothing. He was unaware of everything. Then the best story teller Nie Huaisung explained everything to Wei Ying. He stood up,"I was being jealous of nothing? You guys are horrible. I'm going to Lan Zhan." He stormed out from the house as everyone laughed. Jiang Cheng sighed, "I hope everything works out this time. But Huan, what will you do now? Your uncle is coming." Xichen replied a word at a time,"I would not let him break my brother again. I'm gonna protect my brother and his love from my uncle. I'm not going to lose to him this time." Everyone promised that they would fight that together.
   Wei Ying went to the VIP room of the hospital, where Lan Zhan was lying down on the bed. Dr Mo was checking on Wangji. He saw Wei Ying infront of the door,"Wei Ying, come inside." Wei Ying slowly entered the room and put his hand on Wangji's motionless hand,"How is he doctor? When he is gonna wake up and come back to me?" Xuanyu sighed,"No improvement at all. He can hear you. Wei Ying it's now up to you. Talk to him. Tell him to come back. If he listens those words from his love, it could help. It can pull him out from this coma. I have already completed the routine check up. It's almost evening. I'll come at night again. Stay with him. Talk to him. Hope for the best. I should go now." Wei Ying thanked Xuanyu. Then Xuanyu smiled,"Its my duty. By the way Wen Qing called me and said you haven't had any solid food in those three days. Wait for me, I'm sending you some food. Don't deny it. After all when Wangji will wake up, he would not like to see you falling sick. So, wait."
   As Xuanyu left, Wei Ying sat beside Wangji and stared at him for how long who knows. He started to talk, about their past. He was only talking about the beautiful things. The whole night passed. It was around three in the morning, Wei Ying was still awake, he was holding Wangji's hand tightly and crying,"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Lan Zhan I love you, only you. I am sorry for hurting you. Please don't punish me more. Come back. Come back to me. Everyone is waiting for you. I'm waiting for you too. Please come back. Call my name again. This time I'll not leave you no matter what. I'll not be a coward. I love you. I love you so much Lan Zhan. Just come back to me. I can't tolerate it anymore. It's so painful. I love you so much. Come back." Suddenly Wei Ying heard someone called him,"Wei Ying!"

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