Chapter 5

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   Lan Zhan woke up and saw it was already half past eight. He was two hours late but he suddenly realized that he was suffering from jet lag. And there were still two days left to take over his company. He rubbed his eyes and went to the washroom and got fresh. He slowly came down as he saw one of the maid was serving their breakfast. Four plates were placed and he understood that his brother was still in empty stomach for him. He suddenly heard someone say,"Good morning!" Wangji turned around and saw his brother was standing infront of the garden and smiling at him. Xichen smiled,"So... Sizhui and Jingyi is going to stay with us?"
   Lan Zhan paused on his way,"You have any problem? They are using the guest rooms though and it's a big mansion." Xichen sighed,"You never let me finish my talk. I have no problem. I was going to say that they can stay here as long as they want. After all they are our brothers too. When they will be mature enough to move out and stay on their own, they can move out." Lan Zhan murmured a little sorry and went to his brother,"So... Where are they? They are nowhere to be seen."
   Xichen took Wangji to the garden and he saw both Sizhui and Jingyi were playing with little bunnies. Wangji looked at Xichen with widened eyes. Xichen smiled,"I ordered those bunnies yesterday and the store gave me that delivery this morning. Welcome back Wangji and this is your welcome home present." Wangji hugged his brother and went to Sizhui to play. Xichen called someone, "Where are you? Come. We are going to have breakfast. Drive safely though."
   After half an hour later they heard the doorbell. As they entered the dinning hall they saw Jiang Cheng was there with a smile. Xichen went to him and kissed his lips,"Great timing babe. We are going to have breakfast. Join us." Jiang Cheng nodded and went to the table to eat. Those juniors were overly excited to have their big brother's love infront of them. They were talking non stop and they even managed to make Wangji say something inbetween the breakfast.
   As they went to the sofa and having fun, Jiang Cheng looked at Xichen and Xichen sighed,"Wangji, Sizhui, don't misunderstand me. But I really want ask you both something." As Wangji nodded, Xichen straightened his back, "Wangji, I think Sizhui is a perfect match for you. Please date him and move on in your life." Both of them were shocked and Jingyi was speechless. Wangji,"What are you talking about? Sizhui is just a very good friend of mine and most importantly he is like my brother. How can I date him and did you even ask him for that?" Jiang Cheng smiled sadly,"Wangji! Listen to me. How many years have been passed since you broke up with him? Still loving him without his knowledge. I know how it feels to see your love dating someone else infront of you and even he is going to get married."
   Wangji was cold,"That day when I broke up I promised myself that in my life if it's not Wei Ying then there would be no one else. So I don't want to date anyone else. I'm fine." Xichen voice got a little bit louder,"What fine? You still have nightmares about that day, probably every day. You still celebrate your anniversary, his birthday, your first kiss, hug, date and everything. On the other hand he has managed his life. He is dating for four freaking years. I know you better than anyone else on this world. Wangji listen to me at least."
   Wangji was still expressionless. Xichen continued,"Ok! You don't have to date Sizhui but at least fake it. Have a fake relationship with him. At least infront of our friends and Wei Ying specially. I know Sizhui can handle it and Jingyi can help it too. He was in London with you guys. And he is pretty good in acting. He can give this a real vibe. Please Wangji. What do you think Sizhui. Don't feel burdened. Say whatever you want." Sizhui smiled a little,"I have no problem with that idea. After all after listening to all those things I really want to give a lesson to Wei Wuxian. I can handle it. Just want a little bit of cooperation from you guys."
   Wangji sighed,"You can't understand Sizhui. Our friendship will come to an awkward deadlock. I don't want to lose you. You are precious." Sizhui hugged Wangji,"Don't worry. I can handle it Lan Zhan. You just have to keep up with me." Jingyi exclaimed,"Yes. I'm on board with this idea. I've already thought about a lot of stories about your dating stories." Wangji said,"Let me have some time to think about it."
   When Wangji said that he would think about it, that means they still had a ray of hope. That night Wangji took out a picture of Wei Ying and his infront of a park. It was their first anniversary. Everything was going fine until that certain person came into his life jinxed everything. He murmured, "Sorry Wei Ying. I think I'm gonna fake it. I think anger is taking best of me. I'm really looking forward to teach you this lesson." Then again he put that picture in his cupboard full of things of Wei Ying.
   Those two days flew away in a blink. Wangji was greatly welcomed in his company. He sat on the chair as the CEO of the GusuLan Arts Business Center and Vice President of the GusuLan Industry. Sizhui took over his job as secretary diligently and Jingyi did the same. On the second day of his work while Lan Zhan was having a meeting with the head of the writing department Xiao Xingchen, Sizhui knocked on the door and came in,"Mr Vice President! Mr President and Mr Jiang is here to meet you."
   Wangji nodded and said Xingchen to do as he said. Xingchen bid farewell and went out of the office. In two minutes Xichen came in with Jiang Cheng. Sizhui was following him with Jingyi. Wangji went to the sofa, "Brother and Wanyin take a seat. Jingyi, Sizhui why are you standing there? Come and sit with us." They implied it. When they are with their friends, they all call each other by their names. So Sizhui beamed,"What brings you here? Big brother?"
   Xichen smiled a little, "This Friday, our friends are throwing an welcome party for three of you. So there is no way you can deny it. It's tomorrow. Have you think anything about what I said? Wangji you have to take quick decisions. Sizhui said that it's okay with him. What are you waiting for? To get more heartbroken?" Wangji seemed to be raged in Xichen and Sizhui's eyes but he just said the same thing that he still needed time. After that fruitless conversation five of them went to a sushi restaurant to grab some food. Without their knowledge Jiang Cheng and Xichen got pictured by a paparazzi while they were feeding each other and kissing in the parking lot.
   It was at late night when Xichen came back home with Jingyi and saw a very awake Wangji and a grinning Sizhui sitting on the sofa. As Xichen asked what happened Wangji pointed towards the TV and Xichen saw it was a news channel and his and Jiang Cheng's pictures were filling up the whole screen. There were not only that day's pictures but also a lot of previous pictures too. And as expected their friends gone crazy that after all this couple got under the lime light too.
   Xichen looked at Wangji helplessly. Wangji just said, "You stole the thunder from Wen Qing and Wei Ying. Now yours and Wanyin's relationship is the top story of the business world. Congratulations. Carry on. I'm really tired. So I'm going to bed. Sizhui, go to bed. We have a lot of works to do after all tomorrow evening is our welcome party. Go." The last sentence kinda sounded like mocking the idea.
   That night at that very moment Xichen twitted and confirmed his relationship with Jiang Wanyin. He didn't want others to use scandal or something disgraceful comments for their relationship. Though Jiang Cheng didn't show that much of a change outside but he was way too much happy after making their relationship official. Jiang Fengmin was happy for his son along with his wife Madam Yu.
   The very next day after completing all of his works, two sets of Lan brothers went back to the mansion. Wangji sat down on the sofa,"So. Where is the party?" Xichen smiled,"In your favorite restaurant 'Eclipse'." Wangji sighed,"You guys still remember that. That's the place where I first saw Wei Ying and fell in love. Why that restaurant? Whatever I'll just go and enjoy the night." Xichen sat beside Wangji and gave him a side hug,"We are here with you. Let's go. We have only an hour left to get changed and reach there. Hurry up. It's already seven."
   They all went to their respective rooms to get changed. Suddenly Xichen entered Wangji's room and saw Wangji was wearing a whole set of suit, which was navy blue in color. And a white neck tie with it. He was looking absolutely gorgeous. After seeing that he barged into Sizhui's room. Sizhui was styling his hair. Xichen asked,"Sizhui! What are you wearing?" To hear the question Sizhui pouted slightly,"I don't know that's why I was going to ask you. Can you help me to choose. I'm really not good at this."
   Xichen smirked,"Obviously. Why not? Let me see what have got here." As expected Xichen found a whole pure white attire. But there was only one problem that Sizhui didn't have any navy blue necktie. It was frustrating for Xichen but suddenly he remembered that Wangji had a navy blue necktie. He ran to Wangji's room and asked for the necktie. Wangji looked a little bit angry while holding the necktie and Xichen remembered in a flash that necktie was a gift from Wei Ying. Though it bothered Xichen to see Wangji still was cherishing everything of Wei Ying but it was a great opportunity to show Wei Ying that Wangji's present lover is wearing this. Xichen laughed inside and took the necktie to Sizhui and helped him to put it on.
   All of them came out from their rooms. When Wangji and Sizhui saw each other, they understood what Xichen had done. He deliberately dressed Sizhui like that, so they could look like a couple. Wangji sighed. Jingyi said to Xichen,"Big brother you are the best. This is a perfect combination of colors for a couple." Xichen smiled,"By the way Jingyi, you look great in the silver suit." Jingyi thanked,"And you are looking great in this sky one." After having some small chats, complementing each other they went to their cars. Wangji was driving his car and Sizhui was sitting next to him while Xichen was driving his car and Jingyi was beside him. Xichen was determined that he would do something that day to left Wangji with no other choice but to fake his relationship with Sizhui.

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