Chapter 65

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65: The Panic of Maturing

She did her morning exercise even on her birthday.

When the sky was still a bit dim, Lin Miao woke up as usual, dressed herself, and left for a run.

When she came out, she realized that it was raining.

The light drizzle was almost silent, unable to be heard when she was inside her apartment.

She extended her hand to feel the rain. It was chilly.

She decided to turn back for an umbrella. There was a pavilion at the park. She could do other exercises under there.

Since she had been consistent with it for so long, her body would ache if she didn't exercise in the morning.

Right as she was about to turn back, she saw someone heading towards her with a big umbrella.

She could only see a blurred figure under the umbrella, but she had a feeling that it was the Young Master!

She didn't have any reasoning- it was a gut feeling.

On this gray morning, the person gradually walked closer to her, their silhouette becoming clearer.

The sixteen year old Yu Jingxuan strode towards her in a black coat and a fiery red scarf.

With a smile on his face, he said, "Happy birthday, I'll bring you to the park."

Lin Miao shuffled under the umbrella, hugging him. "Happy birthday Gege."

Then, she quickly let go and raised her hands in the air, she said very innocently, "That was the little me from two years ago who hugged Gege!"

The Young Master looked at her bare neck and wrapped his scarf around her.

Lin Miao had originally given the scarf to him, and he's kept it ever since.

Lin Miao mumbled, "Gege, I don't need this. It'll be too hot for me when I start exercising."

"Then give it back to me when we get there. It's quite windy, so you need to stay warm." The Young Master said.

Lin Miao suddenly thought of an important thing. "Gege, wait! Give me a second, I need to go back to get something!"

She forgot her present! The excitement of seeing him come with an umbrella made her forget.

She ran back up the apartment to retrieve the gift in its box, and then handed it to the Young Master. "Happy birthday Gege."

The Young Master received the pretty box and saw Lin Miao staring at him with anticipation.

Reading her expression, the Young Master opened the box and saw the watch lying securely inside.

"Does Gege like it? I took a long time to pick it out."

"Very much." The Young Master took off his watch, replacing it with Lin Miao's present. He proceeded to hug Lin Miao and put a piece of jade around her.

She wrapped her hand around the jade around her neck. It was in the shape of a fish.

"Stay safe," the Young Master said.

Lin Miao felt the jade again and nodded.

The two walked into the rain with the Young Master holding the umbrella.

The light drizzle had grown into a shower, and the raindrops were beating the umbrella. Under the umbrella, it became a little world.

A small place for just the two of them.

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