Chapter 75

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75: Cavemen CP

Many informed people started exposing more things. There were many who claimed to be middle school, high school, or university classmates.

Now that a spark between the two seemed to have been ignited online, these people couldn't resist sharing their own piece of the story.

So, from everyone's details, an understanding of the daily life of a siscon-diseased person was made.

Yu Jingxuan would bring milk and snacks to Lin Miao's sports school on a weekly basis.

He also didn't let anyone he knew greet Lin Miao when they went to watch her tournaments in person, saying that it would distract her.

All kinds of breaks: as long as Lin Miao also had days off at that time, no one else would be able to find him.

Their fans were blown into fireworks. How did they get to know each other, and at such a young age? Furthermore, how is their relationship so good? This doesn't make sense!

Knowing each other and knowing each other from a young age were two completely different things.

What was more shocking was that there was that back portrait of them with their backpacks.

If the former was shocking, the latter blew everyone's minds into bits.

Especially for Yu Jingxuan's fans. They initially thought that the girl came later, so they tried to protect their teenage boy's journey of growing up.

However, in reality, that girl was already walking home with their teenage boy years before they were introduced to him.

There had been many signs before, but there wasn't much light brought to this subject. For example: Yu Jingxuan travelling to watch the world championships and the Olympics. Everyone had thought that it was because his mother liked Lin Miao, and she happened to bring her son along.

Now, they realized that he had been watching Lin Miao way prior to that. He had skipped middle school to spectate some of her matches, but the tournaments then were probably smaller regional competitions.

Compared to the craze of some girlfriend-fans, others said much less online.

Quietly supporting his childhood love: genius mastermind x genius athlete.

With the picture that looked like it came right out of a teenage school drama, a new cp was born.

(cp is short for couple)

In the battlefield formerly filled with wailing and bloody conflicts, everyone picked up their popcorn and candy instead.

(candy refers to seemingly intimate interactions in a cp)

However, some netizens began to lament how precious these moments were. Candy was scarce, and couldn't be savored enough.

There were virtually no updates from Yu Jingxuan, and the most they would normally get were blurred pictures from his classmates.

On the other hand, Lin Miao didn't even participate in the interview after the Olympics. There would be no coverage of her except for her competition reports.

They were quite literally a cavemen cp pair.

The name spread like wildfire, and many found it sweet and quite unique.

So, while the solo fans were still arguing, the exponentially growing cp fan group of the two had already set a name.

Meanwhile, Lin Miao's inactive Weibo account was brought to daylight. They were certain that it was the Mumushuishuishui account.

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