CHAPTER 12 - Progressing slowly but surely

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Date: 15th, August 2015

Location: The Floating Island of Schicksal

Time: 05:59

【First Person】

The morning has caught up to my senses. Taking my usual morning bath and wearing my everyday clothes and jacket as i haven't recieved my uniform yet. I'm now ready to explore the place once again.

"New day, new Me"

'Morning Bronie'


'...Are you still watching anime?'

'Herrscher don't need sleep, now shoo, don't interrupt me. I'm in the good part'

'Okay, okay sheesh...'

Having done conversing with my partner. I head to the door, but... My hand just won't reach the door... Perhaps the event that took place yesterday has did some damage to my courage.

"Come on, i can do this..."

But i don't want to meet everyone's gazes.


But if i don't go outside i won't be able to fill my stomach... Deep breaths Alyona you've got this. Those people from yesterday already got what they deserve and Durandal was there to help. So you have nothing to be afraid of.

I slowly reach the biometric panel on the door and placed the palm of my hand. It recognized me as an inhabitant and listed my name clearly. The door opened and i was greeted by a strikingly long grand hall with several Valkyries in Immortal Blades attires.

Among everyone i was the only one without a uniform. It's probably because i'm not part of it yet. But strangely they have already assigned squad mates for me.

I took a step. Tugged the tip of my hoodie and looked down the floor. Everyone is looking at me.

"Good Morning, Alyona"

A voice called out. I looked at the source and found myself gazing at a beauty with her glowing golden summer hair.

"M-Morning, Miss Durandal"

"Are you heading to the Cafetaria too?"

"Ah that, i mean Yes"

"Then do you mind if i tag along?"

"M-Me? Of course i don't"

In fact, your presence helps me a lot

I was quite astonished by the place the first time i went into this so called Valkyries longue area. This sole large building as a whole is used as the cafeteria. But as I knew, as soon as I stepped a foot inside. Everywhere I could feel every eye laid upon her. But no one dares to say a thing since I walked with an S-Rank.

It seems like everyone has accepted the fact that a Herrscher joined Schicksal, plus it's not like everyone would dare to oppose the Overseer's order. And It's been like a week since i went into this floating Island. Some time has passed, this island is currently on top of Europe.

"You don't have to worry, Alyona. Since you're training directly under me then it's my job to watch you. I won't let the same thing happened again"

"Miss Durandal... Thanks..."

"Oh, it's nothing, really. It is my duty as a leader to provide a comfortable workspace for my subordinates"

It is undeniable that as a leader, Durandal really did her job well. As the number One of Three current S-Rank Valkyrie in Schicksal, she is the only true symbol of justice that prevails in this decaying world.

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