Chapter Twenty-Five

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The man driving the ambulance got out and opened the back doors as a few doctors rushed over.

"Scarlett Wolf. 18 years old, suffered a blow to the head from a brick at a party where she consumed alcohol. She was awake and talking before going out of consciousness for the second time minutes later. Her eyes were dilated at the scene and are even more so now," The woman relayed the information she knew to them.

An older looking doctor with grey hair spoke up as he took the lead. "We need to get a CT scan asap. Has anyone contacted the parents?"

Ryder was standing there watching Scar being lifted down to the ground on wheels. "Yes, sir, my parents are on their way now."

"Are you her brother?" He asked

"Yes, is she going to be okay?"

His brows knitted together, searching for the right words for Ryder. "We are going to doing everything we can to help your sister, but first we have to do a scan of her brain to find out what exactly she needs. Alright, son?"

Ryder nodded as a medical team began to wheel Scar inside the hospital and towards the two large double doors in the back.

As soon as they got there, the doctor turned back to us. "You both will need to wait here. We will update you when we can."

"But what if," I tried to talk my way into being with her, but the Doctor cut me off.

"Let us do our jobs and help her, please."

They walked through the doors as the sight of Scarlett began to disappear.

"Ryder!" Aunt Sawyer's voice boomed over to us.

"Where is she?" Wolfie came barreling in with her in a panic.

Ryder collapsed into his mom's arms. "Mom, dad, they took her back, but they wouldn't let me go with... I'm so sorry," He cried along with his mom.

Wolfie's face was riddled with pain and worry. "I just can't believe this is happening. Who could do this to her?" He looked at me, begging for some sort of answer.

That's when my parents, along with Aunt Ava, Uncle H, and everyone else, arrived.

"Phoenix! Oh my god, what happened to your face?" My mom's eyes widened in shock, placing her hand on my cheek.

Dad stood beside me. "Have you heard anything? Is she alright?"

I shook my head. "No, they won't let us back. They said something about a brain bleed. She was awake and talking right before...I thought she was okay, but then she fell into my arms. She was talking just fine and then...then..."

"Phoenix," My dad put his hand on my back.

Aunt Ava piped in with a comforting voice. "Let me go see if we can get some answers. You all go sit down. It does her no good to be standing around out here panicking."

"I will come help you," Uncle H said.

My mom went over to an extremely distraught Aunt Sawyer. "Come on, let's go over there," She helped her to the waiting area along with Wolfie.

I stood there, feeling the guilt creep in even more while watching their brokenhearted faces.

"It'll be okay son," My dad patted my back a few times.

"You didn't see what happened. It's all my fault, dad," As the words left my mouth, I broke down next to him.

"Hey now, don't talk like that."

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