Chapter Twenty

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"Ryder, Nix, can you guys grab the ice chests?" My dad yelled.

"Yeah, we got them," Phoenix and Ryder went to pick them up out of the back of our car.

Mom's voice turned my focus towards her. "Scar, hun, here are your sunglasses. You left them on the kitchen counter."

"Whoops, thanks mama," I said, taking them out of her hands.

The fourth of July has always been one of our favorite holidays. Since we were kids, our parents started the tradition of spending the day together out on the lake. We rent two boats, water tubes, and wakeboards. The entire day is dedicated to fun in the sun, and relaxing with our insanely competitive families. I would say it's scarily close to being tied with Christmas time. Each of us has the best time ever. The second you set foot on the boat, any worry you ever had vanished for a while. It was a carefree blast.

There is nothing like some sun, food, and family time to celebrate the fourth. It is extra special for me today, too, because it's the first holiday for Nixie and me as a couple. And I get to spend the whole time admiring his jaw-dropping and shirtless body beside me. What a damn near perfect life I have right now.

We were all gathering our things in the parking lot near the lake to take down to the dock.

Aunt Sophie partially covers the top of her eyes with her hand, looking around the area. "Wow, it's such a beautiful day!"

"Yeah, it is. I don't think we have ever had bad weather for the fourth, actually," Uncle H said.

Aunt Ava stood beside him. "Not true. I remember when all the kids were little one year that it stormed on us before we even made it to the lake."

My dad chimed in. "Oh yeah. That was a weird day. Sunny in the morning, then an hour later, a big storm came out of nowhere."

"Hey, wasn't that the day Phoenix almost got me struck by lightning?" Jackson asked.

I laughed to myself as little images from that memory flashed in my head.

Lily spoke up. "Oh my god, I remember that! You guys dared him to cannonball into the pool in his underwear for five bucks."

"Yeah, in the middle of a thunder and lightning storm...such a great idea," Mia shook her head.

"Please don't remind me," Aunt Sophie sighed loudly.

Uncle T let out a few chuckles, looking over at Phoenix. "You were lucky your mom didn't kill you that day."

Nix slightly furrowed his brows. "Hey, it was Ryder's big idea, and Jack was perfectly fine."

Ryder's mouth fell open. "Snitches get stitches, man!"

"Well, Jack was just as dumb to do it," Luke added.

"Hey!" Jackson squawked.

My eyes rolled as I smiled. "You guys weren't the brightest bulbs in the box back then," I teased while Phoenix and Ryder flashed me displeased looks.

"Just back then?" Mia let out a giggle.

Ryder suddenly piped up. "Hey dad, you should let me drive the boat when Scar's on the wakeboard," He smirked.

I arched a brow. "Oh wow, I'm shaking in my boots, Ry."

"That's my girl," Aunt Sophie spoke proudly. "Don't let him get in your head. You sound more like your mom every day."

My mom's cheeks turned red in return. "Oh, hush Soph."

Dad nodded. "The witty attitude does seem to be hereditary," He gave my mom a goofy smile as she shook her head.

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