Chapter Forty-Seven

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We spent the morning with everyone at our apartment, laughing and swapping memories between the groups that now have merged into one. It honestly felt like we have all been friends for so long we were always meant to be in each other's lives. We only had two missing, but I already know that when Mia and Lily met everyone, it would feel the exact same will be complete.

Everyone was filled in on the events of the night before, which brought more support for Vee from my parents, and of course, Jack and Luke. They had only just met this morning but were already so warm and accepting towards her. I think she was surprised by that at first, yet I can tell that it made her comfortable and more open because of it.

It was the same with Sam. Hell, Dad was proud to hear how he stood up against our so-called friend instead of letting his choices slide and was there for Vee. He told him that sometimes there would be people you love that go off on a destructive path even though you warn them. You try to save them, but they don't listen, and you have to decide whether to be dragged down with them or cut the ties, moving forward without them in your life.

It was true, though. Jesse made it the easiest decision for all of us. He not only broke Vee's heart, but he betrayed his own friends...the true ones, for some fake ones. But now we have to move past it as a group, together, and let Jesse fall alone until he's left with nothing and he realizes what he did. And when that day comes, not a single one of us will look back with sympathy. As the saying goes, "you've made your bed, now lie on it."

When the guys were all chatting about baseball, and my mom was helping herself to a mid-morning snack, I had a chance to talk to Vee. She told me how she didn't want to stay another second in the apartment she shared with Jesse and needed time to figure out what to do. To ease her worry, I made sure that Vee knew she was more than welcome to stay with the three of us as long she needed. Kole and Sam have one-bedroom apartments, and I'm pretty sure that Kole doesn't even own a couch, so I think our place was a slightly better option. Plus, it will be nice to be there for Vee and have another girl around, especially a friend. It might not be for terribly long, but it will be fun for a bit, at least.

Vee gratefully took the offer, and with that, we decided a little later to head over to gather some of her things that she needed, hoping that there was no Jesse when we arrived.

All the guys wanted to come along this time, and by all, I mean Nix, Ryder, Kole, Sam, Luke, and Jackson.  There was no talking any of them out of it, so we pulled into their complex, gathering in the parking lot with a group of crazies that were ready to go to war if need be. And all I could think was, please, let there be no war because I don't want to have to pick up anyone else from jail.

"Well, there's his car," Vee said as she pointed at Jesse's car that was sitting in the parking space in the front. "It's in the same spot as before."

Jackson scoffed. "Of course he drives a Prius. That explains a lot, actually."

"Do jackass cheaters tend to buy Prius's? Because I wish someone would have warned me," Vee said with a small smile.

"Usually guys with big egos and a small dick, but hey, just add it to the list," He told her. 

She nodded slowly. "Sounds just like Jesse then."

"That's our girl," Sam chuckled. "Don't hold back now."

Ryder and Kole let out a few laughs as Nix took my hand in his while we were walking towards the stairs. I glanced back to see Luke had stopped in place for a second. "Uh, Luke, you good?"

He looked at me with a furrow to his brows. "Yeah...but I think Chase drives a Prius."

We all turned towards him before erupting in laughter at his words.

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