Chapter Forty

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It was the top of the third inning with the Ravens ahead by two runs, leaving us behind with zero. If Phoenix was bothered or upset with how the game has been going so far, his face doesn't show it. He's always been good at masking those feelings of his...I should know that of all people.

His pitches have been pretty good, though. The only reason they even got two runs was that the umpire forgot his glasses at home apparently and ended up calling balls left and right when they were fucking beautiful pitches.

But what the umps say goes, so the guy got a freebee to first base, and then two batters later, someone on their team hit the ball all the way in the back right corner. It hit against the wall, making Sam and Jesse sprint for it. By the time Sam scooped it up and threw it back towards the bases, the two Raven's players made it to home plate. It wasn't how we wanted shit to start off, but we still have plenty of game left to go, and I swear by the end of it, I won't have a damn voice anymore.

It was the Raven's turn at bat, and they already had one out with no one on base yet—only two more outs to go until we can hopefully flip this shit around on them.

"Let's go, boys!" Vee shouted, clapping her hands together.

I sat up straight, focusing on Phoenix at the pitcher's mound. "You got this, Zeller!" I said as loud as I could.

His eyes narrowed at the batter as he winded back his arm, quickly releasing it forward.


"Yeah, baby! Damn, look at the speed on that one!" I yelled proudly just when I saw Nix glance over my way for a second. The slightest smirk formed on his lips as he looked down to the mound, fixing his hat.

Vee lightly elbowed me. "The sexual tension between you and the pitcher is astronomical."

A loud laugh escaped me. "Right? I should definitely try and talk to him later."

"I don't know, though. Baseball players are trouble," She spoke jokingly.

I arched a brow with a smile. "And I fucking love trouble."

"Same," We both began to chuckle, continuing to watch the game.

Phoenix was able to strike out one other batter that was up before the next one came running out and hit a fly ball that Ryder caught with ease, making that three outs. It was the Cobra's turn at bat.

The guys all came jogging back towards the dugout. Ryder jumped up behind Nix, playfully smacking his back as the two started to goof around. I shook my head and chuckled at them when Phoenix's eyes met mine in the stands. He flashed me a sweet smile before kissing the air quickly towards me as Sam popped up on his other side, blowing a kiss at me to make fun of him. Ryder and him erupted in laughter, but Nix looked less than amused. I quietly giggled to myself.

Once they got back in the dugout, a few of them started to get ready to bat. Jesse was up first this time around as he ran out towards home plate.

"Let's go, baby," Vee yelled out.

Jesse got into position, eyeing the pitcher and the ball before it came barreling towards him with a curve to it.


"Come on, Jesse," I cheered on encouragingly.

You could see him take a deep breath just as the pitcher threw a fastball down the middle.


The ball clipped the side of his bat, making it go off into the stands behind him and called as a foul ball. He had two strikes now. One more, and he would be sent back to the dugout. I glanced at Vee, who was intensely focused on him while I squeezed her hand lightly. "He's got this," I assured her before turning back to Jesse.

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