Chapter Fifty-Three

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Scar was still knocked out this morning when I woke up, so I thought a run along the beach sounded like a good idea. I would have invited her to come but knowing her like I do, I would rather keep my life and let her stay sleeping peacefully.

I threw on some shorts and a t-shirt before heading downstairs. There wasn't anyone around, so I guess everyone must still be sleeping. It wasn't terribly late in the morning, so I wouldn't have guessed anyone would be up anyway. Hell, I should be sleeping in, but my mind was wide awake, and the best thing to do to clear my mind is either play baseball or go for a run.

As I got outside, I went through the playlist on my phone while walking down the path to the beach. I took in the smell of the ocean and the fresh air around me. It wasn't too terribly humid or hot yet so it was just right for a quick run before it was unbearably scorching.

When my feet sunk into the sand, I looked up from the phone screen as my mouth fell open at the sight in front of me. Sam and Vee were sleeping in the middle of the beach. Her head was rested partially on his shoulder while his hands were sprawled out around them both in the sand with his mouth hanging open.

My brows slowly furrowed in confusion while I walked towards them, softly tapping Sam's arm with my shoe. "Hello? Hey, wake up, you two," I spoke up loudly.

"Huh, what?!" Sam jolted awake, accidentally pushing Vee's head off of him, making her face plant into the sand.

Vee instantly opened her eyes, trying to wipe off the sand that was all over her face. "Bleh," She spat in disgust. "What the hell, Sam," She said before sitting up with an confused look on her face.

I looked down at the two of them with a raised brow. "Well, good morning, sleepyheads."

Sam scratched his head and yawned. "I can't believe we fell asleep out here all night," Vee suddenly smacks his shoulder. "Hey, watch it! That's my good arm."

She rolls her eyes. "Your last words to me last night were "don't worry Vee, there is no way I could fall asleep in the sand" before you did, in fact, fall asleep in the sand."

I couldn't help but let out a laugh at her impression of him. It was pretty spot-on, actually.

"Well, technically, you fell asleep in the sand too," Sam pointed out as she gave him the look that I think every woman has that never fails to straighten a guy out within seconds. "Please don't kill me. I have so much more to live for," He squints, preparing for the wrath of Vee before he opened his eyes to see her forming a smile.

"I'll let it slide this once since you were there for me last night when I really needed it."

My eyes went back and forth between the two as the corner of Sam's mouth curved up.

"I got you, Vee. I'll always be here for you."

I clear my throat. "Ahem," They both break eye contact and look up at me. "Oh, you guys can see me now. Good, good," I spoke in a joking tone as they both chuckled.

Vee shook her head. "I should get inside and get ready for the day," She hopped up to her feet.

Sam did the same. "At least you already smell like the beach for the beach day today."

"Good point," Her shoulders shook from laughter as she looked back at us. "I'll see you guys at the house."

"Yeah, I'm right behind you," Sam spoke up before I grabbed his shoulder, pulling him back.

"Not so fast," I said as he turned around.

His head tilted to the side. "What?"

My forehead creased. "What do you mean what? Why were you and Vee having a sleepover on the beach last night?"

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