Chapter Twenty-One

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Brandon Harris:


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After I had my chance for payback at Ryder with the help of Phoenix steering the boat with me and another hour of having fun wakeboarding, we met back up with everyone else.

"A fish? Seriously?" Jackson's eyes became wide as Ryder told the story about my new fish friend.

"Yeah, it flew right out in front of her and scared the shit out of her!" He spoke enthusiastically.

My face scrunched up. "You weren't even watching!"

Ryder shrugged, taking a sip of his bottled water. "But I can imagine that's how it happened."

Lily plopped down on the seat beside him. "It was pretty close to that."

Luke shook his head, smiling. "That's so funny. I wish I could have seen your face."

"Same here," Jackson nodded. "We didn't have anything as hilarious as that happen, especially when captain Wolfie drives like a grandma."

Dad lifted his brows. "Hey, watch it, Jack, or you'll be one with the fish as well."

"You were a little slow," My mom admitted.

His jaw fell open. "You too?"

"Maybe you should let me drive the boat instead," Luke suggested.

Uncle H chuckled. "We would like to live to see tomorrow, bud."

"Ohhh, roasted by your own dad," Jackson said teasingly.

Our laughter echoed around the lake while we continued chatting and eventually had some lunch.

After we were done, some of the group went to dive out from the back of the boats and swim, and our parents lounged around on the seats inside. I wasn't feeling much like swimming, so Phoenix and I went up to the front of one of the boats to lay out in the sun.

"You know you don't have to be up here with me," I tried to assure him that I would be fine by myself.

His brows softly furrowed. "Why wouldn't I want to?"

"Because it's boring, and you are already tan as hell," I slowly admire his amazing body that was lying next to me.

He let out a chuckle, watching my wandering eyes. "I didn't come out here to tan. I just wanted to be with you." I looked over at him with a smile, leaning in to give him a sweet kiss. "My beautiful fish whisperer," He spoke in a joking manner.

I pulled back, lightly smacking his chest. "You suck!"

"I'm sorry, I had to," Nix fell back into a laughing fit.

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