Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Amber Harris:


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*Ding Dong*

The sound of our doorbell woke me up as my eyes fluttered open, trying to adjust to the brightness of our room. I was on my side facing away from Phoenix but felt his hand comfortably placed on my ass.

My head turned to look at him, still fast asleep with his arm stretched out towards me as I rolled my eyes, giggling softly at him. He likes to cuddle or always be touching me the whole night where I prefer after a while to scoot over on my side of the bed where it's cold and comfy. I love him, but he's a fucking heater.


"Oh shit," I whispered, slipping out of bed quietly.

Nix took a deep breath in before letting it out slowly and rolling over to the other side of our bed without opening his eyes.

I quickly ran out of the room and down the hall, knowing I would be the only one to answer the damn door since Ryder and Nix sleep like they're dead most of the time.

"Finally," Sam groaned from the couch, scaring the shit out of me.

"Holy fuck!" I gasped as I looked over at him, and then Kole still passed out on the floor. "I forgot you guys slept over."

He lightly chuckled and snuggled back into the couch. " answer the door before I destroy that damn doorbell."

I shook my head, opening the front door as an older man I didn't recognize stood on the other side. "Oh, hello," My voice came off slightly awkward and confused.

"Morning, ma'am. Does a Scarlett Wolf live here?" He asked politely.

My brows raised. "Yes, that's me."

The man smiled. "Perfect. I'm Dave from Auto Express," He showed me his business card. "I have your car out in the parking lot on my truck."

"Oh my god, yay! I didn't think you were going to get here till tomorrow or later."

"I thought so too, but I made decent time on the route and ended up early. I'm just going to need you to come down and go over the checklist with me to make sure everything is the way you left it before you sign off. My truck is kind of in the way down there, so we might need to be speedy," He explained.

"Of course!" I nodded with a kind smile, glancing down at all the shoes by the door, and put on Nix's giant ass sneakers since mine were back in our room. "Let's go."

We made our way to the stairs while I looked down at how awkward I was walking in the shoes nearly twice as big as my feet, and then the realization hit me that I was still in my avocado pajamas.

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