Chapter Sixty-Three

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It was early in the morning when I woke up feeling nauseous but couldn't seem to go back to sleep. Instead of bothering Phoenix with my insomnia, I quietly snuck out of our bedroom and over to the kitchen.

"Morning," Vee spoke up from the counter, pouring coffee in a mug. "You're up early."

I let out a small yawn. "Yeah, I woke up feeling gross and couldn't seem to fall asleep again."

She glanced over to the living room to make sure the three sleeping beauties, Kolt, Sam, and Mia, were still snoring away. "Morning sickness?" Vee spoke in a whisper.

"I think so, but I didn't get sick or anything."

"Everyone's different. Maybe this is your version of morning sickness."

I shrugged. "I honestly hope that's the case. I'll take an upset stomach over spending my days by the toilet in a heartbeat."

We both quietly laughed.

Vee held up the pot of coffee. "Want a cup? Wait, can you have coffee?"

"I don't know," My brows furrowed as I internally groaned. "If I have to give up coffee, I will be a zombie every single day until this little one evacuates."

"Have you made an appointment yet?" She wondered.

My mouth formed into a soft smile. "Mhm, next week after one of my classes at the end of the day. Phoenix is going to pick me up."

"Oh my god," Vee's face lit up. "Are you excited? You get to see the little bean then, too, right?"

I chuckled at her nickname while grabbing a water bottle from the fridge. "Yes, I'm pretty sure we will. I'm excited but a little anxious about it all."

"That's understandable. It's all-new territory for you, and only Nix and I know about it. Honestly, I have no idea how you don't blurt it out to anyone. I wouldn't be able to keep it hidden for a second before I told the check-out person at the grocery store."

My shoulders shook from laughter. "It's so hard not to just tell Ry or the girls. Even my mom called the other day, and I wanted to tell her. My dad's the one I'm nervous for."

Vee took a sip of coffee. "Because the reality will hit him that his innocent little girl is doing the nasty with some guy?"

I grimaced. "No, but now I'll add that to the list of things I didn't want to think about."

"Well, you are living with Nix, so it probably won't be that shocking."

"Not as shocking as him becoming a grandpa in nine months," My forehead creased at the thought. "He's going to have a heart attack."

"Just make sure he's sitting down before you tell him," Vee let a soft laugh.

*Knock, Knock*

Someone was suddenly at the door when I looked at Vee curiously. "Are you expecting anyone? It's six o'clock in the morning."

"No, shit, do you think that creep found out where we live?" Her face was filled with fear.

I shook my head. " least, I don't think so," I slowly swallowed as Vee ran over, shaking Sam awake, who was sleeping beside Kole on an air mattress. You'd think they would be paying rent for the number of nights they spend here and not at their own place, but I'm not complaining. It's nice to have them around, especially in times like this.

*Knock, Knock*

They pounded louder against the door.

"Sam, wake up," Vee practically dragged him off the mattress.

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