The attack

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A few hours later Izuku was back out training with his classmates, class 1-b was there as well and Izuku would brush off Monoma's mocking everyone of his classmates. May manipulated his shadow into tripping the pale blond teen which got a laugh out of everyone, Izuku would work on his singing with One for All which the teen soon found out about the shadow dancers ability to fight and how he found that out wasn't the most pleasant way either. Izuku gotten punched and scratched by a figure that looked like a demonic being... So this made Izuku even more curious about One for All since the dubbed background dancers never shown any way of fighting back.

By the time the sun was setting everyone was starving, Pixie-bob and Ragdoll pointed to rows of tables that had unprepared food set out and some cooking supplies. Everyone groaned, Izuku just walked over to a sink and washed his hands. Katsuki followed suit and they began prepping some of the food, Izuku worked on peeling carrots while Katsuki peeled potatoes. Soon everyone started to help out with making dinner, Izuku soon started cutting the peeled carrots with May while Kendo collected the first bowl of diced carrots from their table. Izuku had a glazed look in his eyes but nobody noticed, Izuku loved cooking with his dad they always made curry together making it spicy or extra spicy if Izuku wanted to bring some food for Katsuki.

Monoma was looking at the pots with confusion not really knowing on what to do, Izuku saw this and let Kendo finish dicing the carrots before going to help Monoma with the cooking.

"Pour a bit of cooking oil into the pot and throw the vegetables in." Izuku said, Monoma glared at Izuku.

"Oh now your an expert on cooking? Are you looking down on 1-b?!" Monoma sneered.

"No. My dad and I cooked all the time when I was a kid." Izuku said, a fond but sad smile graced his lips as he helped Monoma.

Izuku was a great teacher when it came to instructions, he was patient and when Monoma did something right Izuku gave gentle praises along with a smile. Vlad King stared at his usually 'all high and mighty' student getting along with Aizawa's brat. Izuku was oblivious to the shock stares that he and Monoma where getting but the greenette continued helping Monoma with the cooking, telling stories about his father cooking and all the failed food or the successful recipes. Izuku looked more calm and at peace, like when he is singing and dancing, he was more.... opened and this made some of 1-b wonder how can he have a more open feeling then before.


Izuku silently ate his food when he saw Kota looking at him from the distance before the kid turned and left into the forest. The teen was quick on finishing his food before putting his dirty dishes away and made a plate for Kota and left to find the kid, Mandalay saw this and smiled a small smile which caught the attention of her teammates and Aizawa. Aizawa watched his Problem child leave into the forest and smiled into his scarf at the kindness of the teen.

Izuku saw Kota sitting next to a cliff that over looked the camp, the view was beautiful. The greenette smiled as he walked over to Kota, who now noticed his presents and was glaring at the teen.

"What are you doing here!" the child growled in anger.

"I saw that you didn't eat so I brought you some food, I made sure to grab the mild curry and not the spicy one that Kacchan more then likely made." Izuku said, giggling at the memory of Iida chugging milk do to the heat of the curry that Katsuki made. "Here, I can't let you go hungry out here." Izuku smiled placing the plate next to the kid.

Kota glared harshly at Izuku, who smiled before looking at the view once more.

"You have a great place to relax. The view is great!" Izuku said, Kota blinked trying to keep the glare trained on the teen. "It must be nice to have you own secret place to hide from the world... your lucky, to have this cliff all to yourself." Izuku stated which this caught Kota off guard completely.

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