Class begins and we're going to jump right in!

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The next day, Izuku was back to his happy self he still kept his distance from Uraraka. The class had a hard time talking to the two teens since their last names were the same, so Izuku has everyone call him Izuku or Zuku.... but Uraraka decided to call him Deku.... This made Izuku want to destroy the girl.

So when lunch came around Izuku was pulled aside by Aizawa but just for a list of songs that will calm him down. So the teacher had at least a notebook or two filled with music but Six the Musical and Dear Even Hansen were under lined. Izuku sat next to Katsuki and Kirishima, the latter was trying to warm up to Katsuki because Kacchan was 'Manly'. Izuku didn't mind the red head, he was cool. It was going just fine before Uraraka sat next to Izuku, to the point Izuku could feel half of her leg was on his, she smiled while blushing at him. Izuku was now uncomfortable.

"Can you not sit this close to me." Izuku said, Kirishima and Katsuki see Izuku looking uncomfortable.

Uraraka ignored the 'Not' and snuggled closer. Izuku gritted his teeth at this, Katsuki set off little explosions while Kirishima tried to get Uraraka to stop but she flat out ignored them, until she had enough and spoke up.

"Can you two leave? Deku and I are having a moment." She said.

Izuku had enough and stood up, causing Uraraka to fall off the chair, the other students looked over at the scene, 1-B looked at this was well.

"I asked you to not sit that close to me! I don't want a girl trying to throw herself at me because of my Quirk! I just want to eat my lunch in peace without a girl trying to make herself look 'Appealing' because she wants something!" Izuku growled coldly.

1-B was shocked, along with all of the other students. Uraraka teared up to make her look like the victim.

"But Deku you sai-" She was cut off by Katsuki.

"Oi, shut it. You didn't even talk to Izu, also don't call Izu 'Deku'. He isn't useless!"

"Yeah, that is harsh, Zuku has a really cool quirk. Also Zuku was uncomfortable with you trying to sit on his lap." Kirishima said, looking at her with a look of disgust.

"LIARS!!" She cried before running out of the room.

Izuku looked pissed.

"Kacchan.... I'm going to the roof... I need to calm down before class." Izuku said before leaving as well.

"Is he..."

"No, he is just doing the next best thing for calming himself down." Katsuki said.


When the class that made everyone excited came around, Izuku was still fuming in rage. Uraraka had the nerve to tell everyone that he 'Broke her heart' so when All Might came in everyone burst into chatter while Izuku looked at the hero and slammed his head on to his desk. This made a few kids look at him like he was nuts but continued on looking at the number 1 hero with wide eyes.

"Hello young future heroes!" All Might said, the whole class fell into silence. "Today is your first step on being heroes! So you all can think of this class as Hero 101 training." He said.

"This is going to be awesome!" Kirishima said.

All Might pulled out a small remote and pointed it at the wall and pressed a button that made compartment open to reveal numbered suitcases.

"Now each of these cases holds your costumes that you had requested they are numbered to where you had placed in the exams, put these on and meet me at Ground Beta!" The hero said before running out of the room.

Izuku grabbed his case and walked out of the room with Katsuki and Kirishima. When they reached the change rooms Izuku opened his case and smiled, Katsuki looked in the case with a raised brow but Izuku just smirked. He put his uniform in a locker and put on a black leather-like leggings followed by a dark green half skirt with a bit of leather lining the skirt. For his top was a cream skin tight long sleeved shirt with a black vest, a black belt secured onto his waist had a few pouches to hold items and his phone. The last two pieces of his outfit was a headset that he had asked to make unbreakable meaning it can't be broken by water or if it gets dropped, and red jazz shoes that were made to be thicker and tougher then normal ones.

Izuku walked out with the two hiding slightly behind them as they finally reached Ground Beta, All Might went on about how the costume makes a Pro look good and Izuku saw lots of great costumes. Uraraka looked at Izuku and she blushed before grinning, Ashido and some of the guys looked at her then at Izuku before glaring at the Gravity quirk user.

"Wow! Deku-kun~ Your outfit looks Great..." She said, licking her lips, trying to look 'sexy' by making her chest look bigger and crossing her legs a bit. "They made my outfit skintight..." she trailed off, fluttering her eyes at him.

"......" Izuku blinked at her before grabbing the two teens wrists and pulled them to the other side of the group away from Uraraka.

Izuku looked ticked off at this point, whatever teams All Might made sure that he promptly changed Uraraka out for Yaoyorozu. Once they all were told their teams Izuku had sent the hero a thankful look, while Uraraka looked at Yaoyorozu with a seething look. The hero explained the 'Situation' before assigning 'Heroes' and 'Villains'.

Team A: Bakugo Izuku and Yaoyorozu Momo Vs Team D: Bakugo Katsuki and Iida Tenya

Team B: Todoroki Shoto and Mezo Shoji Vs Team I: Mashirao Ojiro and Toru hagakure

Team H: Tokoyami Fumikage and Asui Tsuyu Vs Team J: Kirishima Eijiro, Sero Hanta and Sato Rikido

Team G: Kaminari Denki, Jiro Kyoka, Koda Koji Vs Team C: Aoyama Yuga, Ashido Mina and Uraraka Ochaco

"Okay the first team to start is Team A and Team D!" All Might said.

Izuku looked at his friend and smiled, Katsuki did the same before they made their way to the area for their class. Izuku watched as the rest of the class leave, Uraraka looked at him and winked. Izuku did the only thing that his Drama teacher and his family would approve of, he 'tch' ignored her and started talking to his team mate about battle plans and strategies. Ignoring the rage in Uraraka's eyes.


Since I had Mineta expelled in the last chapter the teams were uneven so I fixed it! Also Sorry for making Uraraka like she is in this story, I love her character in the anime but this is for the plot! So I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter! 


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