First day and the demon has made a show

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Izuku had fun singing and dancing around all the while showing off his fighting skills that his drama teacher had showed him, who knew that his teacher was a retired military officer or that he was Quirkless and is still kicking butt. Izuku was happy to show off everything that he had, to show the judges that he is meant for UA, but like he said before if he doesn't get into UA he will try for another school.


Izuku lost count on how many Bots he has taken down but right now he is looking for more. When Izuku got out of an back alley way he saw students displaying their Quirks, he saw a girl with a gravity Quirk and the teen from earlier, they were good but Izuku could tell that they were holding back. That is when the ground started to shake and tremble, Izuku saw the Zero pointer, kids started to run away, pushing shoving like morons. Izuku was going to run as well but he saw the gravity girl was trapped so Izuku ran towards her. Humming Legend under his breath and shot towards the sky with fire bursting from his feet. Bringing his fist back, Izuku started One for All up before shouting 'BANG' before throwing a punch that followed by an explosion of fire. Jaws dropped. Toshinori was inwardly laughing as he watched Izuku literally blow the Zero pointer away and watched it crumble from the blow. Izuku then switched songs to save himself from falling to 'Wings' and he was caught by one of his back up dancers and was taken to the safety of the ground.

The UA Staff was stunned by this, Present Mic called time and Izuku ran over to the girl and helped her up. She looked shaken up slightly but Izuku saw Recovery Girl and waved her over to help, once Recovery Girl helped the brunette she handed Izuku gummy's before he left. He passed the blue haired teen and raised his phone and smirked.

"I guess you can't judge me on how I use my Quirk now." Izuku said before leaving.

Recovery Girl knew that was Izuku's way of saying 'Don't judge others by what they do', over the two months of healing him she has gotten to learn more about his childhood and Recovery Girl felt bad for him. Izuku explained that his father was over seas all the time that his mother divorced him when Izuku was three, so when he was dubbed 'Quirkless' she changed and not for the better. Izuku was bullied for this, but when his Quirk came, Izuku still went around still claiming 'Quirkless' to keep himself safe from his mothers greed. So she wasn't surprised by him doing this to the bluenette, she happily went around healing the reckless teens.


Izuku told Katsuki about what happened at his testing grounds, let's just say Katsuki wanted to beat the bluenette for what he said.... not before Izuku causally stating the fact that he rubbed it in his face about not judging people and their Quirks. This made the other laugh. They waited for their test results to come in, Izuku did a lot of dancing around the house to keep his mind off of the letters. So when they finally came the two ran to their rooms and opened them.

"WHAT!!!" Was all that they heard from Izuku.

Katsuki passed with the score of 120 points, 77 Villain points and 43 rescue points.

"Izu? Are you alright?" Masaru asked, Izuku walked out of his room pale.

This made the man worry, but froze in shock when he heard what the teen said next.

"120 points..." Izuku said, he had 53 Villain points and 67 Rescue points.

When Katsuki and Mitsuki both heard this they laughed saying that the others didn't have a chance, so Izuku and Katsuki both placed first in the exam and met up with All Might later that night. He explained that he was going to be a teacher and that he was going to find a successor at the school but he didn't need to since Izuku and Katsuki caught his eye. The hero thankfully took the two out for Ice cream as a Congrats for getting in.

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