Sports Festival part.5

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Izuku was greeted by the sight of his classmates crowding around him with looks of worry in their eyes. He just smiled as he went to go sit down, he did really want to talk about what had happened since he didn't realize how far Uraraka would go and for the fact that she had a knife with her.... well that made the teen really nervous.

"You good bro?" Kirishima asked.

Izuku sucked in a shaky breath before releasing it.

"Physically I'm now fine but mentally.... Not so much.... I mean yeah I didn't like how Uraraka acted around me but knowing that she would go so far as to hurt me it... it's like she found some sort of sick pleasure on seeing me hurt!" Izuku said, shivering slightly.

Kirishima sighed before pulling Izuku into a side hug and decided to change the subject to a more lighter topic.

"I got to say that was a really cool fight though, like you totally called her out with music!" Kirishima said.

Izuku grinned.

"Yeah... if you think about it the songs fit her personality in all honesty." Izuku said giggling.

The teens turned their attention to the field to see May was up against a teen from class 1-C. When the match started the teen turned his arms into watery whips and threw an arm towards May raised her hand towards the male and made a claw with her hand and twisted her hand slightly so her palm was facing the sky. Izuku looked at this with interest, that's when the males shadow turned into shadowy ropes and wrapped him up and May flicked her wrist to the right and let her hand relaxed. She watched as the student land outside of the boundary of the ring.


The crowd cheered as May left into the tunnel, Izuku smiled at this silently hoping that she would be transferred into 1-A.


The next few battles were very interesting, Katsuki easily won against a girl who can move her body parts around. Kirishima was against a guy with the same style of Quirk, which came down to an arm wrestling match in which Kirishima won. Yaoyorozu lost to Tokoyami by being pushed out of bounds. Izuku watched as Shinso brainwashed a 1-B student to walk out of the fight, Iida's fight Izuku felt bad for the uptight teen in all honesty.

Mei had used Iida as a test subject to showcase her babies to the support companies. Todoroki froze Sero in a giant glacier and Izuku was nervous since he was facing him in the second round. So Izuku left to go prepare for his fight, but all he knows of Todoroki's power is that it's half cold and half hot. Then it hit him and Izuku grinned like Aizawa who had planned the perfect way to plan a surprise exam on his students.

As he was walking to one of the prepping rooms to prep for his fight he ran into the one person he never thought he would run into.

"Endeavor?" Izuku gawked.

The number two Pro hero turned to look at Izuku with cold eyes, which was quite the feet with such a hot headed hero, and grunted.

"Your that Bakugo kid that it going to fight my Shoto, right?" He asked, though it sounded more like a demand to Izuku in all reality.

"Yes sir?" Izuku said, sounding very confused and conflicted about the hero's question.

"I want you to give my son a good fight and not some dance fight for laughs." the hero stated and Izuku blinked before glaring at the hero and felt no shame as he did so.

"Excuse me sir but.... Singing is part of my Quirk so if you can oh so kindly back off and not tell me how to use my own quirk that would be very appreciated. Also if you don't like how I use my Quirk then you can suck it because I'll be using my quirk in my fight. Also who calls their son 'My' that is just weird." Izuku said, glaring at the hero with annoyance.

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