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Hello everyone,

I am writing this to make a few things clear about Dance to the beat of your heart. I am going to first make this clear, I am not calling anyone out or trying to sound mean or rude but I really need to make this clear.

I know that I have replied to some readers about this book being a BakuDeku book or about the relationship between Katsuki and Izuku. I have made it known that there is no romance between them, I can't write romance very well. I can see where some of you are coming from with how close they are to the emotional and physical aspects of their relationship. I am writing Izuku about how I view my relationship with my siblings, I am a very touchy person, it is how I express my love towards my family and I give hugs to my friends. With Izuku he had to go years being touch-starved and putting on a mask to protect himself. So having Katsuki and Izuku close as they are in this story, to me that is a good sibling relationship. Sharing a bed and cuddle is what I did with my siblings when we were young.

I know that Katsuki and Izuku are in their teens and that would be awkward for siblings in reality but to me, that is a way to help Izuku heal mentally and emotionally. He will eventually heal and won't be as clingy as he is now, that I can say for sure.

But this brings me to another thing I am going to try my best to say this politely as I can without hurting anyone's feelings. When I first started writing this story, I already know where I wanted to go with it. I also know that my readers will give me advice about my story... And I love reading and hearing all over your input about my stories and my writing... But... I don't like it when people tell me who to appeal to others, that if I write this story a certain way would bring others to this story...

To me, that hurts and makes me conflicted. When I first started Wattpad I wasn't confident in myself or in my ability to write stories, I had zero writing experience. I made a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes in most of my stories, but I gained a bit more confidence and enjoy writing and seeing others enjoy want I write. But having someone tell me that if I did something to appeal to others or that if I can do something so I don't Discriminate a community then... It really makes me really conflicted and it... makes me feel like I should just give in and do something that won't bring me joy in my writing.

I write with my feelings and sometimes I will stop writing due to me feeling conflicted and lost. In Dance to the beat of your heart, I don't see anywhere, where I am discriminating against anyone. I write the characters as they are in books or in animes.

So please, please don't tell me that I need to appeal to others just to bring in more readers, if people don't want to read my stories that's fine, they don't need to. If people read my stories that great, they can enjoy what I write... But as a writer, I know and I've learned from a previous story that I can't please everyone. I just hope that you all can see that I don't want to be mean or call anyone out, along with no hate against any other readers or followers, but I do ask that you don't try and give advice that would hurt. I know that you all don't mean anything rude by it, it's just I am protective of this story because it is the first anime that I loved for more than six months before moving on. I love my platonic relationships and the family bonds that are in this book. I also know that a lot of you are happy that there are no romantic ships in this book, it is something that is refreshing to read.

If this, Authors note upsets you then you can stop reading this book, I understand completely. I can't write a book that will please everyone, I know that there will be people who'll hate what I write but I also know that there will be people who would love what I am writing. I write to help relieve stress in my day-to-day life, it is my escape... but there are days where I just don't feel motivated to write anything but reading your comments really do help cheer me up to continue writing my stories.

I don't write to discriminate against anyone, that isn't who I am. I don't hate anyone because that isn't a logical thing to do, especially since I don't know anyone who reads my books personally. I love you all, you are all my readers and I love reading your comments, even if you don't comment on anything and are just there to read a story that I've written. I care for you all and it would break my heart to know that I've hurt one of you with what I have written.

I am not being mean, or spiteful, I just want to clear something up about my story that may have confused you all. I don't know when I will post another chapter, and don't think that it is because of this, my work schedule is crazy this week and it may be for the next few weeks in the upcoming month. I will try and post as often as I can, but for now, it may be until the weekend or next week I don't know...

But please be safe, stay healthy. I love you all very much, my dear readers.


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