Provincial Licencing exam pt.2

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All of class 1-A sat together while the exam was still going on, Violet was giving Izuku a foot rub the moment Mina mentioned him dancing in heels. Kaminari was telling the others what had happened and mentioned that Izuku had kicked someone while dancing on the pole. Katsuki watched the other teens around them with a dark look in his eyes whenever they look at Izuku for more than a second.

"Kacchan... Breathe." Izuku said, looking at his brother with a raised brow.

"Those extras need to stop staring..." He growled, Izuku huffed as he rolled his eyes.

"And glaring at them is only going to make them stare longer." Izuku sassed lightly. "Now stop glaring and grab me a bottle of water please," Izuku stated while looking at his brother with puppy eyes.

"Whatever..." Katsuki huffed before leaving to go grab his brother something to drink.

"... Are you sure that Bakugo-kun doesn't have a second quirk that makes him act like a guard dog or somethin'?" Violet asked, which earned a laugh from Izuku.

"No... but I know when we were kids I would claim that he was related to a Pomeranian with how much he 'barked' at the other kids." Izuku explained and Violet burst out into giggles.

"Oh, now that's cute!" She said.

"What's cute?" Todoroki asked standing behind Violet with a confused look in his eyes.

"Oh, just me comparing my brother to a pomeranian when we were kids," Izuku said, grinning at the memory.

"Oh.." That was all the duel coloured hair teen said.

Katsuki returned with the water and some food, shoving them at Izuku and muttered about the teen needing to eat something. Izuku smiled and started stuffing his face with the cinnamon bun that Katsuki had found, moaning in delight at the taste of the sweet treat.

"... The Cinnamon roll is eating a cinnamon bun..." Kaminari said weakly, the others nodded in horror.

Violet looked at them and snickered.

"I bet his blood is sweet like the cinnamon bun as well." She joked.

Izuku blinked, cheeks round with the food stuffed in his mouth, his face caked with frosting and glaze, the teen tilted his head slightly and everyone all around felt their hearts ache at the pure sight. A lot of photos were taken that day.


Izuku listened to the director about the next part of the exam, they were going to do a practice live scale rescue. It was based on a villain attack six years earlier, a lot of innocent people died that day.

Class 1-a all looked at each other and nodded, they knew that teamwork is key and making sure that the 'civilians' are okay. Soon the test began and Izuku and his class rushed to the first area where there were a bunch of collapsed houses.

"Jiro! See if there is anyone in these houses!" Izuku called out, Jiro nodded and started her task. "Violet and Tokoyami use your quirk and Dark Shadow to lift the rubble and Momo get ready to administer first aid. Everyone else spread out and look for any more civilians!" Izuku watched as his class did as told.

"There are three people in the house at the end of the block!" Jiro said, Izuku nodded and they rushed to the house.

Violet and Dark Shadow worked carefully to 'rescue' a 'kid' from the rubble, Izuku was speaking gently to help keep the 'kid' calm. He asked if the 'kid' remembers if anyone was with him, which he was told a small no. Izuku praised the 'kid' on how brave that he was being, and that he is almost out.

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