The Start

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"One, two, one, two, step forward, spin.... down, up and raise the hand and pose." a lady snapped as some of the teens stumble into the finishing pose.

A hand on the waist while the other was raised in the air in a fist. The room echoed the sounds of heavy breaths, the lady walked down the line of tired students eyeing their poses and would point out their mistakes until she got to the last of her students. A teen with messy green hair with black low lights, his back was straight, his hand placed perfectly on his waist and his arm raised perfectly with the perfect fist. She smiled before going back to the drills working everyone to the bone, to the point were they only time they could go home is if they drop to their knees and can't move anymore.


The green hair teen swiftly moved within the crowds of people as he ran to his school, the earlier villain attack cut his time in half so when he can run, he ran. Once he reached his school the teen dashed down the halls, his curly hair fluttered in the wind of his speed. He slowed down to a even pace before opening the door to his class, everyone was being noisy with them talking to their friends and talking about the latest villain attack. This made him let out a soft sigh before taking his seat and pull out his list of dance music, he took a picture of it before crossing out songs that he didn't need or want to work on. The teen took break dancing, Ballet, and free style but his mother had forced him into Tap, Jazz and musical theatre.... though the last one was growing on him but the first two he hated with a burning passion.

Jazz was..... too slow and Tap gave him a headache that build to the point where Izuku had to wear ear plugs and ignore the teacher. All because he didn't 'have' a Quirk. He did have one but he just doesn't want to show it off and is one of the reasons why he dances alone because his Quirk revolves around music. Izuku was lost in his on world of his mind, blinking when there was an explosion on his desk. Izuku looked up to see Bakugo Katsuki. This made the tired teen sigh as Bakugo started spouting out how 'He is going to UA and he doesn't want a some Quirkless freak going' Izuku just looked at him before speaking up.

"You know, I did apply for three different schools if UA doesn't work also if I can't get into those schools then I have a back up plan and a back plan for my back up. So stop exploding my desk, and listen to the teacher, Bakugo." The teen said, this made everyone silent.

You see the two teens knew each other since they were in diapers, their mothers were friends in school. They use to be close until Bakugo got his Quirk while the other didn't. Sadly the greenette's mother was being selfish and tore down every poster of his favourite hero in his room and forbid him from anything 'Hero' related because he was 'Quirkless'... until Izuku took on dancing and singing. That is when he discovered his Quirk but he never told her since she would force him to make money for her, like how she thinks that she can control his every move. So he had plans, if he does get into UA then he will make sure to avoid his mother, if not then he will keep trying. But if that fails then he will gladly runaway and earn money on the road plus he can help heroes with all of the information that he had gathered over the years. So seeing everyone silent made him inwardly laugh.

"What? I planned ahead, so sue me for thinking." the teen sassed, which made Bakugo's lips twitch upwards a bit.

This made him inwardly laugh.

"Bakugo! Midoriya! Stop this at once and pay attention!" The teacher snapped.

Bakugo saw the greenette roll his eyes before putting his things into his bag, he huffed before sitting down. Through out the day Bakugo watched the greenette, in between classes he would be listening to music some times Bakugo would catch the teen doing a small dance routine behind the school or him humming to a song. To say this confused the teen greatly, so when school came to an end Bakugo was about to confront his ex-childhood friend only for the other to get a phone call. So he decided to listen in after ditching the two extra's.

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