Meeting Mr. Di Angelo

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For the rest of Izuku's Internship was brutal to say the least, Izuku was worked to the limit of his quirks. So by the time Izuku returned from his internships, he had requested a week off of both Dance and Drama. Izuku had walked into class covered in bandages and tired, with a slight limp, the teen hardly got any sleep last night do to his train being delayed then walking three miles in the dark at three in the morning with no phone. By the time he got home it was six in the morning and got an hour of sleep, he had to rush out of the house when he nearly slept in.

Izuku fell into his seat and a faint groan could be heard, Katsuki turned to look at his adoptive brother and frowned.

"I didn't see you this morning... or last night what happened?" He asked.

Izuku looked up and winched as he slowly spoke.

"All.... Might...... was.... right.... every.... thing... hurts..." Izuku said before dropping his head.

Iida walked in and saw Izuku and rushed over still holding a small wrapped box in hand and he knelt down next to the teen with a worried look.

"Izuku are you okay?" Iida asked.

"Gran Torino..... Throat..." Izuku weakly said, Katsuki pulled out a water bottle and passed it to Iida, who was helping Izuku to sit up.

"Ooooowwwww...." Izuku grunted out.

As Iida was helping Izuku the rest of the class walked in and froze at the sight of a beaten greenette. Aizawa grunted as he saw the door was blocked by his students, Nezu was sitting on his shoulder and behind them was a old man. The man had grey hair, pale skin with a scar across his nose and dark brown eyes. He wore a Military uniform and combat boots, dog tags hung from his neck and he had his military hat on covering the top of his head.

"Everyone get to your seats." Aizawa said, the students of 1-a flinched before rushing to their seats.

Iida placed the gift on Izuku's desk before going to his seat, said teen face planted onto his desk. Aizawa saw the state of his student and was slightly concerned but looked at his class and spoke, ignoring their questioning glances at Nezu.

"As you all can see that we have two guests here, I will let Nezu explain and will introduce our guest." Aizawa said, Nezu grinned.

"Hello Everyone! Am I a dog, a mouse or a bear? Who know, but most importantly I am the Principal!" Nezu said, everyone awkwardly chuckled at this. "The gentleman next to me is none other then Alex Di Angelo! A retired Military officer!!" Nezu chirped.

The class was confused by this and Katsuki shivered at the man as he smiled. Alex looked over at his student and grinned a grin that made everyone shiver.

"May I?" He asked.

"You may." Nezu grinned.

The man stepped forward and smirked.

"STAND AT ATTENTION WHEN THE GENERAL IS PRESENT!" He shouted and Izuku stood up faster then Iida running with his quirk at full speed.

Izuku's poster was straight as a line and was saluting this teacher, trying not to fall over in pain.

"Sorry Sir!" Izuku replied with a weak voice.

The class was silent, Izuku looked at his teacher with a blank face. Katsuki never really saw how they interacted before and thought that this was over kill, Izuku and Alex stared at each other before the old man spoke up.


"Gran Torino is scary and I am at my limit and I only slept for an hour sir and I.... I still don't have a phone because the brat didn't repay me for the damage.... sir." Izuku said.

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