Getting ready for the festival

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Izuku was tired and hungry, he was tired because Uraraka was trying to get out of getting his phone fixed. The teen still needed something to bring for the festival so he had talked to Power Loader about making his own phone for the festival, which he was happy to see that a hero course student wanted to get their hands dirty in making something their selves. So Izuku spent the rest of the lunch period with Power Loader and making a device that will not break under any circumstances and a thigh strap for the device. Izuku also decided to make some headphones that connect behind both ears and with a light press of a button on the right side of the headphones will form around his ears and connect at the back of the head, with a mic that extends from his right ear to the side of his mouth.

Izuku had made everything in that single lunch hour, since when he got his quirk he made support equipment for his quirk. So upon showing the pro, Power Loader cried about 'a Cinnamon roll knowing about support equipment!' which caused Izuku to look at him with confusion.

With a sigh the teen walked into class with the headphone's and the new device which will be used for his hero outfit only. For know Izuku got permission to use it to keep him calm throughout school since his phone is wrecked, Power Loader told him that he will make him a better one if Uraraka doesn't pay for the repairs.

"Hey Izu, didn't see you at lunch so I got Lunch Rush to make you some rice balls for you." Katsuki said, placing a bento in front of him.

"Thanks Kacchan, I was talking to Power Loader about making a device for my hero costume and it turns out that if you make something to help your quirk then you can use them at the sports festival!" Izuku said while opening the bento and began eating.

"Oh and you made everything at lunch?" the teen questioned.

"Yup!" Izuku said, rice sticking to his cheeks as he smiled with his mouth closed.

Izuku swallowed the food before showing a flat device that was the shape of a phone but was more like a old school mp3 player.

"This is my music box, I will be uploading all of my music onto it and Power Loader made sure to help me make it more durable so it won't break easily." Izuku said, passing the device over to his friend.

Uraraka saw this and walked over.

"You have a new phone? Then you don't need me to pay for anything!" She said but Izuku looked at her and glared.

"The Music box is for my hero costume not for calling, so you are still paying for my phone." Izuku growled before glaring at her harder.

Uraraka teared up but Izuku already looked away from her and continued eating. The female growled and tried to grab the device when Mr. Aizawa walked in and look at Uraraka and saw that she was about to grab the device from Katsuki.

"Uraraka back to your seat and Bakugo put your phone away." Mr. Aizawa said and watched as Katsuki passed Izuku his device back and watched as Uraraka about slap it out of Izuku's hands when the teen grabbed her wrist and stopped her.

"Uraraka. Touch. It. And you will not like what will happen next." Izuku growled before pushing her hand away and pocket the device. "Sorry about that Mr. Aizawa, I was showing Kacchan my new music device for my hero costume that Power Loader helped me make, while getting me the supplies that I need, it's only for my hero costume only." Izuku said, Aizawa nodded before glaring at the female student.

"Uraraka to your seat." He said and the teen huffed before walking away.


Izuku was getting ready to head to leave the class with Katsuki, they were talking about what music that Izuku should upload onto the device. As Izuku opened the door he noticed a crowd of students talking to each other and pointing. This confused the two until Izuku realized what is happening, since it had happened to him before but not in a pleasant scenario that is.

"So this is class 1-A! Wow you guys must really love the fact that the media is making you all sound so high and mighty." A boy laughed.

Izuku frowned at this, looking at the other students who looked at them with annoyance. Katsuki growled but Izuku step forward and looked at the others with a look that he would use on his mother when she tried to hurt him.

"You know we never asked for them to attack us, we didn't want villains to try and kill us all we wanted to do was some rescue hero training. If you think that we also want the media to make such a big deal out of this then your wrong. Now if you don't mind I would like to leave with Kacchan and get some training in." Izuku said, he was being firm but gentle at the same time.

The others made a way for them and before Izuku left he turned and glared at Uraraka.

"I expect you to pay me back for my phone by the end of the week or next week. I am still mad that you threw it when we were attacked." Izuku said before leaving.

Katsuki looked at her and shook his head.

"Really you need help, I honestly hope that someone replaces you and have another student take the other open place in our class." Katsuki said before walking after his brother.

"What the heck?" A girl with light violet hair whispered.

"I don't know but maybe we will get our chance at the hero course." A boy with violet hair said lowly.

They turned and left smiling as they thought of their dreams coming true.


Izuku grunted as his dance instructor had everyone work on their break dance, he was still healing but he knew his limits at the moment at he couldn't fully bend the way he needed but thankfully he had let Miss. Grey know about the attack and that he was still healing. She was grateful that he was still putting in an effort of his dancing but warned him on pushing himself.

"Meg, it was right foot then left foot not left then right! Again!!" Miss. Grey said.

She maybe harsh but she just wanted everyone to do their best. Every dancer that she had taught became famous and popular so she pushes them to be at their best. Izuku liked being pushed to his breaking point especially with his quirk being related to music.

The door to the studio opened and Katsuki walked in, he was in charge of picking Izuku up from dance since they will be training together so when Izuku saw him he bowed to his teacher and got ready to leave.

"Bye Miss. Grey! See you next week!" Izuku said before she called out to him.

"In two weeks! With the Sports Festival coming up I expect you to rest a week after! Good luck Izuku!" Miss. Grey said.

The girls smiled and waved as Izuku nodded before leaving with his brother.

"Man I can't wait to see Izuku perform at the UA Sports Festival!!" A girl said as she turned to the others.

"Yes yes, I know that we are all excited but now's not the time for chitchat, I want you all to try again!" Miss. Grey said.

"YES MA'AM!!!"



Here is another chapter, sorry for not getting this up sooner, work has been stressful. Some Costumers were really rude and I just couldn't bring myself to finish this chapter, Sunday wasn't the best.... I found out when panicked, Stressed and other things can make me shop for sweets before I have to eat cookies and drink a can of coca cola to calm down. Working at this time isn't easy (=.=*)

Anyways I will try to have the next chapter up and finished soon but anyways let me know what you think and if you want you can request songs I just ask that there isn't to many swears and that it is clean(Like nothing with F words or I will have to cut the swears) Just let me know the name of the band and song title and I will see if I can add them into the story for the festival or in the far future chapters.


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