School's alarm and a Mystery man

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Izuku let out a sigh as he and Katsuki walked home from school, after the hero training he was trying to avoid some of his classmates but mainly Uraraka. He let out a sigh as Izuku walked slightly closer to his brother, Katsuki looked at Izuku and sighed before wrapping his arm around his shoulders.

"You know that I will protect you from anyone who hurts you... you know that right?" Katsuki said.

"Yeah I know Kacchan... I know you will." Izuku said softly.


The next day Izuku was dead tired, all night he couldn't stop thinking about what he did in his battle training with Katsuki, and how everyone is going to corner him at school... So when he and Katsuki entered the class room, the greenette just walked towards his desk, sitting down and fell asleep.

"Uh... Is Midoriya alright?" Kirishima asked, looking at the greenette.

".... He couldn't sleep." Katsuki said.

Uraraka walked over and she brushed his hair out of his face, she expected him to nuzzle her hand but what she got was Izuku subconsciously swatting her hand away. Izuku then nuzzled his arm and a soft snore could be heard, Katsuki walked up to Uraraka and glared at her.

"Don't think I don't know about you 'crush' on Izu. Stay away from him." Katsuki growled.

She smirked.

"You can't do that, he will chose me. He will be mine so do us a favor and leave him or else." Uraraka stated.

Izuku blinked as his head shot up and looked at Katsuki.

"Kacchan, why do I feel like someone is going to do something stupid?" Izuku asked, yawning slightly.

Uraraka got into Izuku's space and hugged him.

"Oh Deku-kun, you look tired, why don't you rest on my legs since they are more comfortable then a desk." she said, everyone heard this and frowned.

Izuku made a face, girl or not he shoved her away from him and glared.

"For your information, I will not nap on your needy little legs, also just so you know I *hate* controlling people so buzz off and leave me and Kacchan alone!" Izuku snapped.

Uraraka started to cry so when Aizawa walked in she started crying about how everyone was 'bulling' her. The pro looked at everyone to see looks of disgust and disbelieving before looking at Izuku and Katsuki. The two teens looked pissed, Izuku more so.

"Can someone explain what happened." He asked, inwardly sighing.

"They all started telling me how 'Useless' I am! Even Deku told me that my quirk is weak and that I was 'Useless'!" she sobbed.

Izuku stood up and growled.

"If you didn't notice 'Uraraka'," Izuku spat. "I am running off of about thirty minutes of sleep and I don't like girls who try to make themselves look like the frickin' victims! Trust me when I say this, my mother is a better liar then you, she managed to lie to everyone about how she is a 'good' mother. So I have years of experience when it comes to entitled little brats like you!" Everyone was silent, Uraraka's sobs stopped. "If anyone needs me I am on the roof, Mr. Aizawa I will make up for anything that I missed over lunch... right now I need some sleep and de-stress."

The pro nodded before handing him a spare sleeping bag as the teen walked by, sending a small thank you towards his teacher before leaving the classroom.

"Uraraka, detention." was all Izuku heard before marching up to the roof.


Izuku woke up about a few minutes before lunch and started to clean up his little 'De-stressed nest' and stood up and stretched. Hearing the pops and cracks in his back, Izuku let out a sigh of relief before taking the spare sleeping bag with him. Izuku was still upset about Uraraka and what she pulled before class, she really did remind Izuku of his mother and that was something he didn't want to remember. When the bell ran for lunch Izuku finally reached his class, Aizawa saw him and gave the teen notes on everything that he missed which was just a paragraph of a writing assignment for English.

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