Sports Festival pt.6

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Izuku sighed as he sat down next to his brother, he came back from Recovery Girls office feeling very tired and drained but satisfied as heck because Endeavor tried to get into the medical room to 'Chat' with him and he watched as the short old lady rip a strip out of the hero for trying to 'cause some form of  'Stress' to her patient. So Izuku sat next to his brother and curled up close to him and closed his eyes.

"Tell me how wins next." Izuku muttered as he fell asleep.

The fights weren't all that interesting, May lost to Kirishima, Tokoyami lost to Katsuki, Shinso sadly lost to Iida all the while the fights had happened Izuku slept. When it was Katsuki who had to go and fight Kirishima hand taken Katsuki's place as Izuku's pillow. It was really cute in all honesty, Izuku had a thing for clinging to people in his sleep and it is hard for who ever he is clinging too to get him to release his death like hold.

"Izuku~ Your fight is next~" Katsuki whispered and Izuku woke up and grinned.

"Who am I fighting!" Izuku asked.

"Iida." Kirishima answered and Izuku was gone in a blink of an eye.

"I feel like this should be recorded...." Kaminari said, shivering at the devilish grin that Izuku was sporting.

With that everyone whipped out their phones for this grand moment that they, and the world, will never forget.


"AND BEGIN!!" Midnight called and before Iida had a change to do anything Izuku opened his mouth and sang.

"Til death do us part~!
But we're already past that phase~
This is a brand new start~!
And I think I deserve some praise~
" Izuku's outfit melted away to a leather crop top and leather shorts with heeled boots that went up to his mid thigh, leaving an inch of skin to be seen before the shorts hid the rest.

Iida started to blush as he tried to look away from Izuku, who grinned as he danced into his view once more.

"For the way that I am~
Despite having overdosed!
And ending up comatose~!
" Izuku sang and just before he could sing the next bit, Iida fainted.

Izuku stopped singing and his clothes turned back to normal and he started to panic.

"Oh my gosh, Iida!!" Izuku yelped as he rushed over and noticed that the teen was just unconscious.

"Iida Tenya has been knocked out Bakugo Izuku moves on!" Midnight said and giggled as Izuku mumbled apologies to the teen who was taken to Recovery Girl.

"Izuku, that was a good one." Midnight said, covering the mic.

Izuku looked at her and smiled lightly.

"Thanks... I honestly thought he could take it but I guess I was wrong." Izuku said before rushing back to his class.

The world was silenced by the shock of one single teen. Villains that had watched trembled in fear of what he would do to them, Shigaraki froze as he raised a trembling hand to scratch his neck. Fearing the full power of Bakugo Izuku.


Soon it came down to the finally,two people left to fight. Bakugo vs Bakugo. Izuku looked at his brother and smiled as he met his brother half way. The two of them looked at each other in the eyes and grinned and silently promised to go all out on this fight and Izuku was planning on kicking his brothers butt to make up for leaving him a blushing stuttering mess the first time they fought.


Katsuki was quick to set off an explosion and rushed forward to fight his brother but Izuku was ready for the teen and threw a left hook then a right hook before doing a backward hand stand, kicking Katsuki's jaw and he landed on back on his feet.

"Is that all you got Kacchan~?" Izuku purred as he hit play and grinned.

"People say I try too hard~
People say I come off really awkward~
You know I don't mean no harm~
I'm just trying to be myself but~!
" Izuku sang as his looks changed to his middle school looks.

His old school uniform brought back painful memories of being bullied, abused, tormented and forgotten. Katsuki lunged as Izuku flipped over him with grace.

"Sometimes I get confused~
'Cause I can't read social cues!
Threw my inhibitions out the door (out the door)~
I don't have an excuse!
I'm just living in my youth~
Don't know why people don't like me more~
" Izuku had grabbed Katsuki's hands and spun him around before falling on his back with Katsuki landing on top of him and he placed both of his feet on Katsuki's chest and kicked him into the air while using One for All.

"I have no friends but that's okay~
I don't need them anyway!
I do my best, all on my own~
And I'd just rather be alone!
Rather be alone!
" Izuku's clothes then turned into a black skin tight muscle shirt with a baggie red shirt that hung over his one shoulder with black and red leggings with bright green high tops.

Izuku dodged an explosion and kicked Katsuki's wrist as he then lunged at his brother and wrapped his legs around his neck and swiftly fell backwards, using the momentum of him falling and his body weight he managed to get his brother on the ground. Pinning his wrist's above Katsuki's head and using his legs to keep his legs pinned to the ground, making sure that the teen couldn't move.

"Can you move?" Midnight asked, eyeing the perfect hold that Izuku performed.

"N-no... I can't move." Katsuki said.

Midnight turned to the audience and grinned.

"Bakugo Katsuki is unable to move and therefore Bakugo Izuku wins!!" Midnight called and everyone cheered and Izuku helped his brother up and gave him a hug.

"I rather lose to you then someone who didn't give their all in a fight." Katsuki said.

Izuku just smiled as they walked off to meet up with their class, he felt proud that he was able to beat his brother and to prove to the whole world that he isn't useless.... or that he is his mother's 'Quirkless' like child that needs to be punished for even existing in this world or for 'lying' to he about not having a quirk.


The award ceremony was a little awkward at the start since Midnight messed up All Might's entrance but other then that it went well. Izuku had his gold medal hanging around his neck, Katsuki was looking at his silver medal with a small smile.

"Next year I'm bringing home the gold." He said.

"Yeah and next year I'll bring the silver if you beat me." Izuku said, smiling.

Izuku and Katsuki walked home feeling satisfied with their wins, Izuku had forgotten all about Uraraka and her attacking him though he will have a scar there as a reminder of her being crazy and to say away from her.

"Hey Izu, for dancing... what styles do you know exactly?" Katsuki asked.

"Uhh... Well I know tap, jazz, ballet, hip-hop, musical theatre... uh my dance teacher had everyone learn the basic's in pole dancing... but I see that as a full body work out in all honestly." Izuku said. "But then again you never know when that comes in handy like.... I don't know kicking villains in the face as I come swinging down a pole in style." Katsuki lost it after that.

"I would love to see that and film it just to post it everywhere!!"

The two were laughing as they walked home with smiles on their faces.


Hello everyone!!! Here is the last part of the Sports Festival!! So for this part of the story I just had to do this to Iida because it wouldn't be fair to Bakugo if Izuku didn't pull the one card that would make anyone flustered. I still like song suggestions so please keep those going and I'll add them into the story and on to the playlist that I have on my YouTube Channel(See in part 4). Now were going into the more dramatic part of the story!! Which I am very excited about because I have been thinking and rethinking the future chapters over and over in my head...... by future chapters I mean chapters that are Faaaaarrrrr~ into the story ;) Anyways until next time!!


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