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Eric was confused. Who left the food on his doorstep?

But he was hungry so he brought the food in carefully. He ate the soup and pieces of bread.

The soup was still warm. He had never ate something so flavorful and delicious.

He was so thankful to whoever had the compassion to have left the delicious food for him.

Inside his heart, he felt something warm. He prayed that whoever was responsible for this, would be blessed with fortune for their whole life.

After he finished the soup and bread, he drank the water that was also left.

It has been so long since he felt the satisfying feeling of a full stomach.

He placed the glass and bowl aside and took out a book from the corner of the room.

It was a notebook of spells.

His parents were both users of magic. They spent their whole life practicing magic.

Inside the book was several different types of spells. Some were just normal spells, some were related to light magic, and some were dark magic.

His parents were just regular magi users. But that was before Eric's father got interested in dark magic.

Eric's mother tried to stop her husband, but it was all in vain. It seemed Eric's father has been corrupted by the dark magic.

He became obsessed, so when Eric's mother tried to stop him...he murdered her.

Eric was horrified. But he was too afraid of his father to do anything.

His father even began to teach him. He could do nothing but listen and follow his father.

Unfortunately or fortunately, Eric's father was caught and arrested.

Using dark magic was illegal. In fact using dark magic was a very serious and big charge. So Eric's father was sentenced to death.

Eric's father was charged with murder and use of dark magic. He was burned at the stake.

And Eric? He was sold to a slave seller.

And that was how he ended up here.

"So...that locked door turned out to be his room..." Angelina stared out her bedroom window.

"Hmm...was that door always locked...?" Angelina asked.

"It wasn't always. But after miss and I left for the Vancelia Empire, and lady Evelina took in that slave, It was kept locked most of the day."


Angelina had earlier tasked Marie to find out where Eric stayed and has asked her to also give Eric food once a day.

"Miss why are you concerned about that slave?" Marie was a little confused. Angelina seemed to care only about things that might involve her. So why is she so concerned about a slave that has barely anything to do with her.

"......." Angelina too didn't know. When she was raised in the Bailey household, she was taught not to be too soft hearted. But not cruel.

So why does she suddenly feel concern and pity towards a slave?

Angelina felt weird when facing Eric. She didn't feel intimidated, but more uncomfortable.

But she also felt a strange sense of familiarity towards Eric. Like this wasn't the first time they met.

Aside from finding out his room and leaving food for him, Angelina also asked Marie to try to find out why Eric was brought by Evelina to the mansion.

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