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Past Angelina's POV

"Miss, are you hungry?" Marie asked me while I held her hand for support. I couldn't walk unless someone held my hand and help me.

"Mhm" I nodded. As we passed by my father's study, we heard loud shouting. Both me and Marie stopped in our tracks.

"Is father angry again?" I asked. It's not unusual to hear my father throwing a fit. But I never found out the reason.

Marie sighed and said, "His grace's mood has been getting worse and worse..."

"Don't mind him, miss. Let us go to the dining room. We wouldn't want to keep our hungry lady waiting." Marie smiled and led me to the dining room.

As I expected, no one is there. After all, I'm always late for breakfast.

I watched as Marie pulled back a chair and helped sit down. In front of me was a bowl of warm porridge.


"Miss? Is something wrong?" Marie asked.

"It's always porridge..." I sighed.

"But this is for miss's own good." Marie stated before gently patting my head.


It's always porridge. I want something else for once. I want to eat meat, cake. But all I get is vegetables, fruits, and porridge. I couldn't help myself from getting bored of eating the same things everyday.

I glanced around the dining room and sighed. It felt pretty lonely. Only Marie is here with me. Everyone else in this mansion avoids me like I'm some sort of monster.

But I can't blame them. My complexion is quite ugly. Face as pale as paper, body weak and scrawny. My silver hair only made me look even more weak and sickly.

'just when will I get better...'

"Mm..." Angelina slowly opened her eyes. Her eyelashes fluttered like butterfly wings as she attempted to wake herself up.

"Miss!" Marie called for Angelina as she rushed in room.

Angelina, who has just gotten up, lifted her head and looked at Marie.

"Lady Rienne from the Balloria household is here and she is requesting to see you miss." Marie said. She walked up to Angelina and sighed.

"Miss needs to get ready quickly. We wouldn't want lady Rienne to see miss in such a state..." She shook her head.

"Sorry to have made you wait so long, lady Rienne."

Angelina entered the room and greeted Rienne, who was sitting on the couch.

"It's no bother, Lina. It's partially my fault for coming without a prior notice." Rienne said before sipping her tea.

"Speaking of which, is there something you need to inform me of? I found it quite strange for you to seek me so suddenly." Angelina walked over and sat on the couch, facing Rienne.

"Am I not allowed to visit a friend?" Rienne raised one of her eyebrows.

"That's not what I meant." Angelina calmly responded. She was unaffected by the piercing gaze Rienne was shooting at her.

"Well I just felt like complaining today." Rienne carefully placed her teacup down.

"Hm? About what?" Angelina asked. She became quite curious.

"About your b*tch of a sister!" Rienne shouted suddenly and slammed her hand down against the table.

"...." Angelina was little startled, but managed to calm down quickly.

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