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"....!?" Rulias looked at her, completely stunned. He took another mouthful of water and coughed.

He tried to get up multiple times, but Angelina would keep stepping on his head, making him fall back into the lake.

"You! Don't you know what will happen if other people f-found..cough cough!" Rulias once again was stomped on.

"You really irritate me. I can't help but feel disgusted looking at your lovestruck eyes towards my 'sister' " Angelina scorned.

"You! So you do have something against Eve!"

"Eve? Seems too intimate. Expesially towards a young lady who I engaged. Who do you think you are." Angelina stomped on his head once more. Then, to Rulias's relief, Angelina decided it was about time she stopped.

She should focus her attention to how to cover this up. It only took her a few seconds to come up with an idea.

Angelina ruffled her hair lightly. Making it look slightly messy.

While she was doing that, Rulias attempted to get out of the lake. But it was proved to be difficult since he kept slipping.

'now what can i do to make myself look hurt..?' Angelina pondered. Messy hair wasn't convincing enough. It needed to look more believable.

Just as she was thinking this, she felt something cold touch her face, and neck.

'what the...' Angelina assumed It was due to the cold night breeze. But...

The very next second, her eyes followed the drop of blood that trickled down, from her nose to her chin.

Her body stiffened and froze in place. Why was her nose bleeding...?

She raised her right arm to rub away the blood, but it kept running down her nose endlessly.

"W-what..." Rulias, who was finally able to get on land, widened his eyes in shock, and felt his spine shiver with fright.

Angelina, a second ago was completely fine. But now her nose was bleeding, and she had a hand mark around her neck.

But he wasn't the only one shocked. Angelina was as confused and stunned as he was.

Before this strange occurrence, her idea was merely using 'The Traveling Soul' to control Rulias. To make him hit her. But now...it seemed that was no longer needed...

However Angelina felt anything but calm and relief. How did she suddenly end up like this? It couldn't be that the wind was helping her! Right...?

"Lady Rienne, wasn't lady Angelina with you...? Where is she now?" One of the ladies sitting at their table asked.

Rienne doesn't really visit the palace that often. So it took her a while to find her way back to the banquet hall.

"Um...she decided to stay there for a while. She said she needed some alone time to relax..." Rienne panted as she told them the lie she came up with.

She truly didn't know why Angelina chose to stay back. But knowing her, she probably had a reason.

"But where is brother Rulias? Didn't he follow you two...? My sister has only just debuted recently, it wouldn't be good for her to be seen all with..." Evelina cautiously said.

Rienne immediately frowned. Was Evelina trying to twist the story!?

"Lady Evelina says that, but don't you hang around with multiple men?" Arianna covered the part of her face with a fan and revealed a smirk underneath it.

The Villainess's Great RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now