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Will she accept or decline? The question seemed clear, who would want to give up on such a wonderful opportunity? However, when the people of the imperial family arrived to confirm Beatrice's final decision, instead of answering she said, "I need more time to think about this..." Her answer shocked the people present but since Beatrice is held so highly by the second princess, all they could do was swallow their impatience and agreed to wait. With that she set off for Lilith's Eternal Rose Palace to think further and perhaps receive some words of support. When Beatrice told Lilith her struggle in making a decision, Lilith was unexpectedly slightly irritated. 

"What!? Mother, are you thinking of declining the chance of divorce!? This, isn't this what you wanted?" Lilith was startled by her words and unknowingly raised her voice, which frightened Beatrice. When she saw the scared look on her face, Lilith calmed down and continued, "Mother, you've been imprisoned in this marriage for far too long. What his majesty has given you is not something every woman can get, so why are you hesitating?" 

Beatrice sat down and her shoulders were trembling as she remembered the emperor's subordinate told her they would wait till the end of the day. She sighed before answering, "I'm sorry, dear. I also don't know why I'm like this... I just couldn't find the voice to make a choice. If I leave, doesn't it mean I really am abandoning Eve and Lex...?" 

"This... Unbelievable!!" Lilith exclaimed with disbelief. Is she really giving away such a rare opportunity of freedom for a dog and a pig? After a short pause, Lilith continued, "Is it guilt? Mother, I understand why you're feeling  this way but you shouldn't sacrifice your one chance of happiness for those two. You're not the one at fault, it's him so why should you be the one to carry such a burden while he's not? It sounds bad but in some situations, you have to be selfish and put yourself first." 

Her words stunned Beatrice. She was right, indeed. She shouldn't throw away her freedom like this. Doesn't her happiness matter too? Perhaps If she takes this opportunity to establish herself then wouldn't she be able to protect Eve and Lex in some way? With great difficulty, Beatrice returned to the Skyler mansion, where the emperor's people waited, and made her decision. She accepted. 

If Lilith knew what Beatrice had thought about, she would most likely laugh. Evelina's doom is certain and she won't be letting her off just because of Beatrice. If Beatrice truly desired to protect Evelina then Beatrice will only be disappointed in the end. Lex on the other hand, Lilith never seeked for his blood and with great generosity she might let him go but If he is facing death, she won't exactly be protecting him...

Once the news broke out that the former, Duchess Skyler has chosen to divorce Duke Skyler, many developed all sorts of different thoughts and opinions. Some say that she is ungrateful and unloyal for leaving her husband in his time of need and for abandoning her family once they are out of money. Whilst some say that it is only rightfully so she leaves after being treated like a plaything than a wife by the Duke for years. When the duke himself caught the news, he was understandably shocked and outraged. Reports say he was overtaken by anger and beat a few servants until some were even crippled! Duke Skyler is clearly not very supportive of his soon to be ex-wife's future departure. However, the eldest master of the Skyler family was actually rather calm about the situation. The servants who brought the news to him said all he did was sigh and turn away from them while waving his hand, indicating that they could leave. 

Although the eldest master took it relatively well, what about the eldest miss? She on the other hand responded in a way most didn't expect. After receiving the information of her own mother's decision, Evelina took it upon herself to write a whole poem expressing how Beatrice is now a traitor to the Skyler family. But the most shocking part was that Evelina had not just sent Beatrice the poem privately but even sent out a few copies of the poem publicly! Thus many were able to get their hands on it and read it!

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