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Lilith was stunned by her words. After a few seconds, she regained her calm and sighed, before gesturing for her friends to leave. Seeing this, Evelina didn't waste any more time to hide herself once again from the onlookers' sights. After everything was given time to settle down, Beatrice approached Lilith and said, "Thank you."

Lilith's cold expression didn't falter when she replied. With her eyes covered in a mist of disappointment and slight anger, she asked, "Why?"

Beatrice looked down, contemplating on how to answer. But though her face was gloomy, it carried no regret. To her, what she did was completely justified. As a mother, it is her duty to protect her children from harm, she wasn't able to fulfil her task before, thus she must try to make up for the lost times.

"Please don't misunderstand what I did, dear. By no means I am turning against you, I just couldn't bear to stand aside any longer." Beatrice paused before continuing, "Look, I know that you and Eve never had the most splendid relationship ever since young, no matter how you used to try to hide it. I remember what she did to you when you were little. I know that you must have good reason to do this. Resentment is buried deep inside the heart, if it doesn't get fed, it will eat you up from the inside. But... no matter what, you two are sisters and we are family. I'm aware that this is a very selfish request and it is unfair to you, but everytime I see you two like this, I feel like something is breaking within me."

"..." Lilith listened quietly, but her expression showed that her views on the matter had not been moved.

"This family has already been broken, but I'm trying to collect the broken fragments and mend it. I don't want what little we still have to be shattered as well. My children are all I have, what will I do if I lose you all? You told me to be selfish for once, right? I'm trying to do as you say." Beatrice explained.

Lilith sighed once more before turning away from the desperate woman. She shared a side glance and stated, "I will act like this never happened. But before I leave, let me give you some words of advice. Mother, this family is already destroyed, all efforts in trying to fix it will only end in disappointment. I understand what you said but I do not agree with it. Yes, as a mother, this is your duty, but it does not apply to this situation. You must pick a side, believe me that this is the only way. But if you do want to play it safe, I suggest you don't get involved. So, will you side with the daughter that hates you, or the one person who cares for you? Your choice, I shall not interfere. I will not be letting Evelina go, ever. I will have vengeance, this is final. Don't try to persuade me."

Beatrice wanted to say something but Lilith had already left. Beatrice stood there for a few more minutes before departing in silence and despair.


Inside the temple, the halls were bustling with women and servants guiding them. All of them were given their own respective rooms for them to stay in as they waited for their turn. Because both commoner and noble ladies were invited, it took quite some time, specifically three days. During the third day, it was Lilith's turn.

She was led into a massive room where four priestesses were waiting for her. Lilith was changed into a white dress that revealed the back and was told to kneel before a statue of the Goddess. Three of the four priestesses stood before her while chanting something, while the other applied a cold ointment on her back. But nothing happened. No Sienna marking appeared on her back at all.

Lilith sighed a breath of relief as Marie helped her change back into her previous attire. She left the room and caught the sight of Harper being escorted into the same room. They met eyes and Harper was daring enough to wink at her...


After a few moments, an announcement was made. They found the new Sienna, Lady Harper.

Shortly after the news had spread throughout the entire empire, the Bailey family rushed to the temple, where they were greeted by many other nobles congratulating them. This turn of events was of course in the favor of the Bailey's and was a great victory to them. Whilst the temple and the imperial family are preparing a magnificent celebration for Harper, the aristocrats were having some trouble dealing with the announcement. Many gathered outside the temple in complete shock at the news. Most had expected for Lilith to be the Sienna due to her stunning rise to power recently, barely anyone expected for the quiet commoner girl and often weak-looking Harper to be the Sienna.

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