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Evelina paced around her room as she read the poem dedicated to her. Every letter was written very meticulously and every stroke was elegant, but it felt like thorns had pierced her eyes everytime she read a word. Not only that, why was her envelope covered with such a pungent smell!?

"Hahaha... Oh Lilith, you're trying to provoke me, aren't you?" Evelina quietly muttered to herself.

[Sharing your blood makes me disgusted. Your pretentious acts causes me to drown in hatred. When you look at yourself in the mirror, do you feel accomplished? Do you feel like you've gotten everything you wanted? Silky blonde locks, ocean blue eyes, and the charming smile you put on. It must've been such a sight to lay one's eyes upon. But such beauty is wasted when an ugly soul like your's is the one who holds it. The moments we clashed replay in my head, along with all the sweet lies you said. At times, I actually pity you. Wasting your life trying to fit in this mold they have created, too bad the person they admired never truly existed. Someday you will cry for your loss like I cried for mine. Someday you'll regrets your decisions but I won't regret mine.]

Ugh! She should've just tore the envelope and threw it in the trash just like her brother did!

"What do we do, m'lady? She's going to be crowned the second princess in months! Nothing good is awaiting us if we don't do something!" Lia sat in the farthest corner of the room as she tried to calm her uneasy heart. Did she make the wrong choice? Did she follow the wrong master?

"I know that! But...." For the first time in forever, Evelina didn't know a way out. From what she can see, there aren't any good paths to take. As if all her roads have been blocked, she's stranded and stuck. What can she do? What can be done!?

' I don't like this. I don't like this. I don't like this! I can't believe I let her slip through my grasp! I haven't felt so... lost in a long time. Not after I promised myself something better! But now it's too late to take another route! She ruined everything! All I wanted was...' Evelina stopped. She grabbed a vase and threw it against the wall.



"Lilith? Lady Angelina, are you certain? This decision cannot be taken back. If you regret, there's no turning back. This name will be written in the imperial family ancestry after all." The secretary warned. But her words merely made Lilith even happier. Her name will be included in the imperial family's ancestry? Wonderful!

Who would not be happy with their name being included in such an honorable and wealthy lineage? Compared to this, the Skyler family is nothing.

"Of course I'm certain." Lilith confirmed.

"Alright, then it has been decided." With that, the secretary left.

After a few days of Lilith residing in the Eternal Rose Palace while preparations for her crowning are underway, the servants have warmed up to her and the previously cold head maid of the eternal rose palace, Alma, has also begun to get used to her presence. It's truly surprising that they became so obedient to her in such a short time. Perhaps it's because of Lilith's pretty face, or her charming personality, or maybe it's because she had given each of the Eternal Rose Palace's staff a small bag of money as 'gifts of appreciation'. Who knows?

As expected, she made the two servants she had brought in, Marie and Serina, her personal maids.

Lilith's crowning will be held on her birthday since all the past adopted princes and princesses also had been crowned on their birthdays. The preparations consumed many months but it all worked out smoothly with the help of the Empress and Emperor. Now all that's needed is duke and duchess Skyler's signatures of approval.

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