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Evelina's face and she panicked.

"Carol! Put out the fire!" She shouted with a horrified appearence.

"Yes miss!" Carol immediately out out the fire, but she suddenly felt an itch under her dress after doing so. She too lifted the hem of her dress and found her legs covered in rashes.

"Ah!" She screamed.

"What the hell is wrong with that painting!?" Evelina's face was filled with rage and shock.

"Miss...what do we do..!?" Carol too was in a panic. In this world, a woman's appearence was everything to them. She was afraid that if the rashes don't go away, she won't be able to get married.

"That scheming b*tch!" Eveline instantly knew the reasons behind this. It must be Angelina's doing!

"Don't tell anyone! Summon a doctor but don't let word of this get out!"

"Y..yes miss...."

Meanwhile Angelina was snickering along side Eric.

Before she gave Evelina the painting, she carefully shook of some powder from the dress Evelina gave her, and asked Eric to 'enchant' it a little.

Eric's spell made the powder spew out in large quantities of smoke, and when someone breathes it in, they will get rashes on the legs that will slowly spread up to their face.

Angelina wanted to see Evelina try her best and struggle trying to hide it.

Eric too was snickering with wickedness in his eyes. This was the first time he got back at Evelina. He felt extremely satisfied.

He never thought that they will be a day where he could make Evelina suffer.

Due to this, his feeling of gratitude and adoration for Angelina grew. If he didn't met her, he probably won't be able to do this.

Marie who was standing in the corner of the room was confused. What in the world did they do..?

The two little troublemakers didn't inform her, so Marie was quite in the dark of what just occured.

That day at lunch, Evelina tried to act calm, but her panic was obvious.

"Eve? What's wrong? Is something bothering you?" The duchess asked with concern.

"It's nothing mother.... I'm just...a little nervous..." Evelina said smiling.

"Why are you nervous? It isn't the first time you'll be visiting the Casspan estate." Evelina will be going to the Casspan estate after lunch.

"Perhaps elder sister is afraid of the marquess and Marchioness" Angelina mocked.

"Presumptuous! They will be her in-laws to Eve Soon! Angelina stop acting bitter about your broken engagement and leave your sister alone!" The duke said, slamming his hand on the table.

His words stung Angelina's heart like an arrow. Although he said Angelina, it felt like he was really talking to her. The real her.

The Lilith who was still upset and bitter about her broken engagement with Chase. The one who was framed of multiple crimes and was burned to death.

Angelina's eyes turned cold.

"Forgive me father. This daughter acted foolishly." She lowered her head and apologized. But unknown to everyone, she was gritting her teeth and cursing the duke inside her heart.

Seeing Angelina lower her head, Evelina felt a sense of victory in her heart.

The duke humped an resumed his meal as if nothing happened. The duchess looked at Angelina with concern.

She didn't think Angelina did anything wrong. Sure she shouldn't have mocked her elder sister, but the duchess felt that she had the right to be upset.

Alex watched silently. He sneered in his heart. He felt that his father did ther right thing in giving his precious sister justice.

After lunch, Evelina happily headed of to the Casspan estate.

When Evelina arrived, she wasn't met with the sight of the Casspan family waiting for her by the lobby.

It was just the head maid and butler.

Seeing such a humble welcoming, Evelina frowned. Carol who was behind her too frowned.

"What is this!?" Evelina shouted to the servants. Seeing as the Marquess, Marchioness, or Chase wasn't around, Evelina didn't hide her true colors.

The head maid and butler of the Casspan family frowned. Is she looking down on them..?

Although they were upset, they were still servants, so they still had to remain polite.

They led Evelina to the parlor and left her with their masters.

Chase greeted her with polite smile. But it was no longer as warm as before.

The marquess and marchioness didn't even cast her a glance. They didn't like her at all. Evelina flirting with the other noblemen wasn't hidden from the public.

Naturally they were upset. Was she planning to make their son wear a green hat!?

Seeing as they were not planning to speak, Evelina gritted her teeth and sat beside where Chase sat. But as soon as she sat down, she heard the Marchioness humped.

The Marchioness was quite upset. She felt like she was not respected. Evelina came into their home without even greeting her!

Regardless if the marquess or marchioness spoke to her or acknowledged her existence, Evelina still had to greet and curtsy to them.

It was a show of respect for her elders. But she didn't even remember a simple and basic protocol.

The Marchioness gritted her teeth and threw the teacup she was holding to the floor.

The loud noice of glass shattering frightened Evelina.

"Lady Evelina what is the meaning of this!? Do you not respect me!? Even though you will be the future matriarch of the Casspan family, as well as my son's wife, I am the Marchioness right now! And for as long as I live I hold this status!"

Evelina got up and kneeled. "Your grace, what do you mean? What did I do wrong?" Although her mouth was apologizing, her heart was cursing the Marchioness.

In her mind, Evelina thought of the Marchioness as a wicked and cruel mother in-law, who could just not accept her innocent daughter in-law.

Neither the marquess or Chase helped defend Evelina. They merely watched in silence.

Evelina turned to Chase and showed her a pleading look. As if she was silently asking for his help.

But....instead of helping her. He smiled. He actually smiled....

The Villainess's Great RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now