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"To be honest, I'm not sure when or why my heart started to long for yours but I never believed that love needed a reason. Sometimes the memories we make and the time we spend together are enough." Charles sat up and pinched Lilith's cheek.


Lilith threw the camellias on his face.

Maybe she should really think about stripping his right of freely visiting her soon!

"I hope you know I hate hearing these things..." Lillith got up and looked away.

"Then why are your ears red?" he takes her petals left on his face and smirks.

"It's red from anger." Lilith said, her voice blank. So blank one would think she's bored of the conversation, if not for the fact that she was still here waiting for his response.

"Then I like it when you're angry."

"That's... slightly concerning." She wanted to laugh but then she noticed the tiredness in his eyes. The Sainthallian Empire is not a small place, and having to travel between two empires in mere days, completing his duties and returning here to simply accompany her? It's definitely not an easy task. After seeing him so many times with a smile on his face, she thought it wasn't such an arduous task as she thought. Now it sounded ridiculous to assume that at all. She herself hated traveling. Now seeing him quite fatigued but still having the effort to amuse her... She felt quite a bit of pity for him.

"You know... you don't need to keep coming back here." she said after some contemplating.

He didn't expect the sudden change in atmosphere and was quite surprised. His expression turned sad and the previous playful look was gone. Was she already tired of him?

"Huh...? Why so suddenly you..."

Watching as his smile turned to a frown so quickly, she felt embarrassed. Did she upset him? Were her words too harsh? She didn't understand why he looked so gloomy now. To think the emotions of a man of his status is so easily changed just by a few words... Should she reassure him?

"It's just... I feel bad for your horse!"


"Yeah! If you keep working it so hard by having it travel from there to here all the time then... what if it dies of exhaustion?"

"Don't worry, Lilith is well taken care of. She's my best horse and I always have her tended to by the best."

"...oh, yeah her." She almost forgot that the horse was named after her. To think something with her name is being ridden around everywhere... she shudders at the thought. "I'll be very offended if you work Lilith to death, I'll never forgive you."

He chuckled and said, "I promise I'll take care of her."

"It's late... Go rest up." Lilith was reaching for her cloak that Marie had left for her but Charles got to it first. He carefully puts it on her from behind. His breath was close to her ears. She flinched at the sensation and quickly moved away. He smiled at her, his gaze soft and gentle. She didn't know how to respond so she just walked away, not daring to look back. Back then, it was always her that would look for every opportunity to get even the slightest inch of Chase's affections, even when he simply gave it to her out of pity. She remembered the way her heart would beat faster every time he so much as casted her a glance and smiled. That alone would have her replaying that moment over and over in her head. She also remembered how deep her heart would sink into her stomach when he appeared annoyed by her. She remembered all too well.

But this...

This is the first time she has ever been on the receiving end...

And it felt...good. It was comforting to know that someone here in this world was genuinely listening when she spoke. That someone would care. That someone wanted to be around her, and that it was sincere. That someone who has seen the worst of her still chooses time and time again to stay by her side and follow her. That she didn't always have to calculate her next words. That maybe, just for a brief moment, she can stop trying so hard and just enjoy the feeling. Without the constant fear of this feeling disappearing or it all being a trick.

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