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Some of the noble ladies in their group couldn't help but let the giggles fall out of their mouths.

Rienne's face reddened due to embarrassment. Alice's expression wasn't any better. Her face too was flushed crimson.

'Lady Arianna truly has a poisonous mouth...' Alice whined and exclaimed defeatedly in her heart. She knew she was not the type of lady that was cunning or clever with her words. Which is why many people don't respect her.

Her family had a decent standing, so she was not picked on too much. Luckily, with Angelina by her side, who had an excellent reputation and a powerful status, she was able to finally be left alone and respected. But of course there were still some who deemed her unworthy and dumb.

Meanwhile, Rienne was glaring at Arianna. But Arianna merely smiled back.

"......." Rienne was forced to put aside her pride and admit defeat.


"T-thank you for taking me out and accompanying me" Angelina thanked Charles. Slightly stuttering. She came off the horse carefully.

"Mhm. Don't be shy to write to me, Lily. Be careful." Charles smiled charmingly and waved her goodbye. A faint blush still remained on his face.

Angelina gave him one more glance before turning around and walking back to the ballroom.


When Angelina entered the ballroom, she realized that nothing changed. Everyone was still surrounding Chase and Evelina, and for the ones who aren't, were merely chatting groups.

From the corner of her eye, Angelina spotted someone approaching her. It was the duchess.

"Lina, where have you been? I have been looking for you." the duchess asked worriedly.

"I was taking a stroll outside. Sorry for worrying you mother." Angelina smiled reassuringly and patted the duchess on the shoulder.

If Angelina was still in the body of Lilith, and she sneaked out for a 'stroll', marchioness Bailey would probably scold her for ' trying to cause trouble.' She now understood how nice it felt to have a mother that's more lenient and caring.

"Oh right. Lina, you have not congratulated your sister have you? I'll take you to her." the duchess smiled gently and took Angelina's hand. Not knowing how much of Angelina's mood has plummeted due to her actions.

Angelina sighed and followed the duchess to the center of the ballroom.

Seeing the duchess approach them, with Angelina behind her, the nobles stood back and created a path for the two.

"Eve, congratulations." the duchess spoke in a warm tone. A loving smile graced her lips.

"Thank you mother." Seeing Angelina standing behind the duchess, Evelina purposely wrapped her arms around Chase's and pulled him closer. Her expression showed a young lady in love, but her ocean eyes showed a hind of a smug smirk.

Naturally Angelina frowned. But she quickly forced a smile on her face. She grabbed Evelina's shoulder and tightened her grasp of it.

"Congratulations you two. I'm so happy for you." Angelina exclaimed with a joyful expression. Everyone watching could only stay quiet and admire the perfect sisterly bond between the two young ladies. Only Chase who stood near them could feel the tension in their sweet smiles.


The sun has begun to set and the party has finally ended. Eventually, Angelina and Evelina arrived back at the Skyler estate.

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