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Marie was a little confused and afraid, but she still followed Angelina since she trusts her.

Inside the casino were many rich men with only a few women. Most of the men were in their above 30 or 40 years old, so a young lady like Angelina stood out.

Angelina was disguised as young women and Angelina looked taller, since she was wearing high heels.

2 men tried approched Angelina, but they were chased away by Marie.

Angelina exchanged her money for chips and went to a table.

Marie was nervous, but Angelina was calm. After playing a few rounds and using 'the traveling soul' to purposely manipulate the game, Angelina won about 3 million.

Everyone was shocked. People around them started to pay attention and form a circle around the table. They tried to see if she cheated but it didn't look like she did at all!

"This is impossible...!"

"She didn't lose a single round!"

"Who is this lady!?"

"Is she cheating..!?"

"I don't think so..."

"What is going on!??"

The people playing against Angelina were very confused and nervous. Perhaps it was because they were so nervous that they kept messing up, but in reality they were actually losing because of 'the traveling soul'.

They were sweating a lot. It's as if they can't even remember what they did.

They would suddenly black out and the next thing they know...they already made their move.

Marie who was standing beside Angelina was also confused and amazed.

Angelina was running out of energy, and she already won enough. So after she won the last round, Angelina got up and walked towards the exit.

Marie followed behind her. Marie noticed Angelina's face was pale, and she immediately got worried.

"Miss are you alright..?"

"I'm just tired.. let's go back now"

But as they were trying to leave, a man suddenly grabbed Angelina by her wrist.

"Hey! Wait! You can't just leave like that, lady!" The man was a 46 years old poor baron. He went to the casino to earn money since he was almost bankrupt. He was furious at Angelina. He blamed Angelina for his loss, which wasn't exactly wrong...

Angelina recognized this baron. He was baron Ronnelly. He married a rich viscountess for money. However after 6 years, the viscountess divorced him after she found out that he had been having multiple affairs, including with one of her handmaids.

After the divorce, the baron tried to get money by having his daughter, Mia marry a rich baron.

However the rich baron rejected baron Ronnelly's daughter, and baron Ronnelly was even more humiliated.

In the past, Angelina would also humiliate Mia. Mia was spoiled by her father and she became a quite spoiled and sensitive girl.

Mia always complained about her failed engagement to everyone.

She annoyed everyone, including Lilith. Mia tried to gain some sympathy for her and her father, but she only damaged her family's reputation even more.

No one wanted to work with him and nobles no longer wanted to associate themselves with him. Everything was going downhill, and the baron was in massive debts.

The Villainess's Great RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now